
459 14 30

Warning: Some sort of make out ( not smut)

The house was soon packed with sweaty, drunk teenagers. About 9.5/10 people were drunk. The song 'my strange addiction' was blasting in the speakers whilst the people were dancing to it. The losers were on the couches in the downstairs lounge playing spin the bottle. There were a few other people also playing.

Mike (wheeler)

Mike spinner the bottle and it landed in Mike wheeler. They both walked up to eat other and kissed. They both were pretty trashed. They ended walking hand and hand to the bathroom.

Bev spinned and it landed on Richie. She stood up and grabbed Richies shirt she pushed to a near by wall and smashed her lips into his.

Eddie wasn't drunk. He didn't want to see Richie making out with some one else. Especially if he's dating him. Stan was also sober and he saw Eddie face go red and his fist curl.

He put his hand on Eddies shoulder and it got his attention. "Hey it's just a game, they are both drunk. It doesn't mean anything"

Eddie nodded and turned around grabbing a half empty bottle of vodka. He yanked the lid of and chugged it. Soon Beverly and Richie stopped kissing when they heard people shouting, "chug ,chug ,chug!" They ran back up to the losers and joined in. Soon eddie finished the last of the vodka. And smiled.

"Let's play 7 minutes in heaven" Max said.

Eddie then used the now empty glass to spin the bottle. He spin it and it landed on Richie. Soon as it hit Richie, the alcohol started to kick in.

Eddie grabbed his hand from across the table and yanked him into a random closet. He closed the door and turned off the light. It was a pretty big closet.

(A/n: I wrote stuff here but I didn't like it so it's gone now oop)

"Ed's?" Richie said


"Wana get high?"

Eddie would usually say no and then talk Richie out of it but he was drunk and wasn't thinking straight.

"Fuck yeah"

Richie then stepped back and pulled a bag of weed wrapped up in cigarette paper. He pulled one out and lit it up. He put it in this mouth and breathed in. Richie then took it out and passed it to Eddie whilst puffing out clouds smoke.

Eddie took it and placed it in his mouth. He could taste Richies saliva and still found it hot. He breathed in and breathed out. The smoke filling the air. Richie then started laughing.

Eddie chuckled "what's so funnyyy?" Dragging out the 'y'

"Your just really hot Ed's"

"Just kiss me ass" Eddie said whilst laughing. Richie stepped closer to eddie. And bent his knees. His mouth only centre-meters away. They could both feel each others breath against each other's cheeks.

The door then slammed open.

"Seven minutes is up-" Beverly was cut off by the smell of weed. "You didn't share? You ass" Beverly came in and took the weed and took a puff. She took it out laughing. "Next time share you ass!"

Richie chuckled. "I know I'm a ass, but a hot one at least"


Soon everyone left just leaving the losers. And Stan being the only sober one he took all the losers to a bedroom or a couch. Beverly, mike and Ben all took a sofa each. He dragged bill upstairs into the other lounge and found out that one of the sofas were a pull out bed and he laid bill down.

He sighed.

"Time to get Richie and Eddie to go to bed"

Last time Stan had to tuck Eddie into bed when he was drunk, Eddie punched him twice ,making him bleed a little ,and then tried to bite him.

And Richie was a whole different story. Last time he tried to tuck him into bed, richie tried to make out with him. Also he tried to talk stan into having sex with him and when stan refused Richie started chasing him around the house. He then fell asleep at the top of the stairs and fell down them. Then they went to the hospital because he was bleeding.

He didn't want to put them to bed. But he had to

He walked downstairs and into the closet. He saw Eddie sitting on Richie's lap , with his legs straddled over Richies. Making out.

"Gross" stan said as he walked up to them and grabbed their wrists. He yanked them upstairs and grabbed the key from his pocket to unlock Richies door. Stan has locked it before the party to make sure no teens had sex in their rooms. He unlocked it and chucked Richie in it. He then shut it and locked it again, turning back to Eddie.

Eddie crossed his arms and pouted, "I wana be with Rich"

"No you can't, when Richies drunk he's all horny and it's not good" Stan said back.

"I want to be with Richie!" Eddie said a little louder.

"No you can't"

"I WANT TO BE WITH-" Eddie was now screaming and before he could finish his sentence Stan places his finger on him mouth.

"Fine, but no sex, got it?"

"Can't promise anything stanny"

Stanley rolled his eyes as he opened the door. Soon as Eddie could see him ,he pushed Stan and ran up to him.

"Richie?" Stan said.

"What" he replied

"No ,and I repeat ,no sex"

"No promises stan"

"No richie , you guys are definitely going to regret this after. So do not"

"nO PrOmIsEs" Eddie repeated in a weird voice.

"That's it Eddie your going to sleep in Mrs.Toizers room"

"NO!" Eddie yelled. "NO NO NO NO NO NO"

Stanley ended up tying their hands up to the bed frame. So they could keep there hands to them selfs. He then shut the door and walked back to bill. He lyed next to him and pulled the bed sheets up.

This would be a great story for tomorrow. Stanley though

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