04.the return

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'Are you sure he's your dad?'

'No, but I believe him'

The car stopped and was pulled to the side of the road.

'What are we doing?' Richie thought.

'I want you to be able to see me and we can speak for a bit face to face.'

'El, how are we supposed to do that your all the way back in the lab.'

'You will see just think of a black room'

Richie thought of a black room and suddenly his eyes shut. Richie opened his eyes again and he was in a black room. Then he realised he was in control of his body again. Richie that spring up and started to run around before he bumped backs with someone. He turned around and he saw a girl with brown hair that was cut right above her shoulder. She started laughing and then she grabbed his face.

"Mike, what are you doing here?!" She then pulled his face in and kissed him on the mouth. Then Richie pulled away.

"What the fuck el?!" He said.


"I'm not mike, I'm Richie, y'know the one your controlling."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. You look identical to mike."

"Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes. And I know you can't resist a face like this." Richie then put his hands under his face and smiled.

El laughed and then she closed her eyes. A sofa suddenly appeared. El walked over to it and sat on one end. Richie sat on the other. They talked for a while about how bad their life's were and cracked a few jokes.

"So... what are we going to do about mission 61?" Richie asked.

"I have a plan, when you see Eddie you will tell him how to remove the chip and I'll just say that the chip fell out to my dad."

"Sounds good."

Richie and Eleven then shook hands.

"Thanks for helping me ,el."

"It's ok, you guys deserve each other and you'll get a happy ending."

Richie then sighed. He thought about how eleven will never get to see Mike again. And how she lives a much harder life then Richie.

"I'll come back for you, el."

Eleven just smiled and looked at her hands.

"If you try and can't get me out just promise that you will say something to mike."

"How, do you have his number?"

"No but you can use your abilities"

"What exactly are my 'abilities'?"

"You can speak to people through your mind. And you can kill and hurt people from the inside. You could literally crush someone's heart with your mind. And you can make people remember things. oh and you can also change people's emotions. Like you can make someone fall in love with you. Or you can make someone scared out of nowhere."

Then Richie thought. Did he make Eddie fall in love with him.



"Did I make Eddie like me?"

"......I don't know."

"Fuck I probably did."

Then eleven bursted into laughter. "I'm joking! Hahaha. You can't change people's emotions."

"You ,bitch!" Richie jumped up and tickled eleven.

She has a cute laugh. Richie thought. She is pretty cute. Richie then stopped ticking her and thought to himself. Do I like el? I'm gay though. Maybe I'm bi?

"We should go back to the car trip now." Richie said.

"Ok sure.Just think of a car." El said.

Richie then opened his eyes and he was back in the car. Unable to move.

'Ready to go rich?'



The car stopped and El instructed Richie to get out. He shut the door and moved to the front door. He brung his fist up and knocked on the door.


Eddie was crying. He was crying ever since he got back. This wasn't a movie, he can't break in and get Richie out. Eddie wasn't really smart so he wasn't able to come up with a 'amazing plan'
That was '100% foul proof'

It had been 2 days and Eddie was alone. His mum was gone for the weekend and left him on his own.

Knock knock

Eddie pulled him self up and walked to the door. He looked through the peep hole and he saw Richie. Eddies eyes widened and he ripped the door open. He grabbed Richie and hugged him tight.

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