17. Lie

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Richie had went back to Derry after getting Mike's home phone and making sure he was ok after elevens death. He told Mike if he ever felt like he needed someone to talk to Richie was there. Even if they didn't really know eachother a lot they still hit it off.

He was in Hawkins for a week, he has told his mother he was round people's houses for the week. Richie could tell she wasn't convinced. So when he got back she was asking him a bunch of questions. She was sort of angry but she didn't really know her son that well.

Richie answered a few questions like 'why didn't you tell me you were going?' Or 'who were you with?' He replied with, 'we had it planned for weeks and I just hadn't told you because I forgot' and it was with Stan, we went to Hawkins and we stayed at a Cabin his dad bought'

Then when she got enough information she told him, "Eddie and Beverly came here on Monday , looking for you"

"What did you tell them?"

"Well you called me on Wednesday so on Tuesday and Monday I told them I didn't know. They looked upset"


"On Wednesday I told them you were with Stan in Hawkins they looked confused"

"I should go talk to them"

"Yeah, they usually come here around half past one"

"They seriously came here everyday?"

"Yeah,at half past one everyday for the past 6 days. They really must care about you ,kid"

"I'm not a kid I'm a strong boy"

"Sure Richie, keep telling yourself that" Maggie said as they both laughed. "I'm going to do the dishes and you need to clean your room, 'strong boy' " they laughed again.

"Okay, bye!" Richie said running upstairs. His room was the same as it was the week before he left. He sat on his messy bed and laid down in it. I was only gone for one week. Richie thought. I hope Mikes okay. He stood up and dialled the numbed. It rang and rang. But no answer. Must be busy.

A knock appeared at the door and Richie skipped down the stairs, it was one thirty-two. He had missed his friends a little. And his boyfriend a little more. He didn't really had time to think about them or anybody really, accept Eleven or Mike.

He opened the door and he was met with Mike. (Hanlon) Mike looked up and a smile appeared at his face. "Can we go to the Quarry?"

"Uh ,sure" Richie said.

He shut the door and him and Mike walked to the Quarry. "Where were you?"

"I was in Hawkins Indiana"


"Long story, I rather not talk about it."

"You don't have to tell me but I think you have to tell Eddie, he's upset at you"

"Yeah, I should of told you guys but it was a emergency"

"Did you get hurt?"


"Okay good" Mike said. They walked out to the flat part of the forest and they slowly stepped into the clubhouse. Richie could hear Beverlys laugh and Stan's talking from inside. When he plopped in the floor after Mike they all looked at him. Beverly ,stan and Bill.

Richie smiles at them and Beverly says, "you need a explanation now. You said you were with Stan but Stan was here with us the whole time you were gone and you made us all worried"

"Worried about lil old me?" Richie said in a old lady voice.

"Beep beep Richie" Stan said. They all looked angry except Mike. He could never look angry.

"There is a lot of explaining to do, and you have to believe me" Richie said. They all nodded. Richie explained everything that happened with the lab, Eleven,Mike and the whole week missing thing. They all seemed to believe him.

"T-that really happened?" Bill said.

"Yeah" Richie said.

"Prove it, your 'powers' then" Beverly said standing up.

"Okay.....uhh" Richie said thinking about what he could do. "Everyone think of something really random"

"Why? This sounds stupid" Stan said.

"Just do it Noodle head" Richie said. They all thought of something. He faced Beverly "a frog on a motorcycle" Then he faced Bill. "A paper boat going into a drain" then Stan "a bible on fire" and finally Mike. "Awww, a kitten!!" All four of the losers stood / sat there in amazement. He had guessed right. "You believe me now?"

"Y-yeah, you g-got it spot on" Bill said.

"Be careful what you guys think, because I can read what your hiding" They all looked at Richie scared that he was going to spill all their secrets."I'm joking! I won't do that, whenever I use my powers I it takes a lot of my Energy to do stuff like that so I'll barely do it"

When Richie stopped talking they heard the sound of leafs crunching. Richie hid behind the hammock, scared that they might of heard everything. The foot steps were coming closer and were soon in the Club house.

"Hey guys" said a small high pitched voice that sounded a little broken.

"Hey E-eddie" Bill said. "Are you ok? Y-you look upset"

"Well I am because Richie's missing and for all we know he could be kidnapped or killed!" Eddie said.

"H-he's not dead Edd-"

"You don't know that Bill!"

"Actually he does" Richie says standing up. Eddie runs up to him soon as he sees him.

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