02 [re-written]

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Morning of , Saturday 13th March

Richie woke up with a huge smile on his face. Today he was going to hang out with Eddie alone. After the kiss both of the boys walked home with a safe distance between them until they had to walk different paths. They did talk the way back, barely. Richie opened his curtains, it was warm out side surprisingly for a day in the middle of March. He grabbed a cigarette from under his pillow and the lighter from his desk draw. Also taking a small radio with him. The boy lifted the window open and lit the cigarette. Then he plugged his headphones in and grabbed the tape named 'hello' . About half way into the song he stated to hum to the tune;

I could stick around ,
Get along with you,
Hello, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Doesn't really mean that I'm in you,
hello, oh, oh, oh, oh,

Beverly use to play this song all the time, a while ago before the losers formed. He would replay it every now and then just to remember how they use to be, it's not like they weren't friends anyone they just weren't as close - he misses having her there and he hate's not being able to speak like they use to. Just with growing up they naturally grew apart, he just hopes one day they can rely on each other again. They were childhood friends since his parents and her dad were friends too. Their parents would always think they would get married when they were older and even till now when they all have food together or meet up they ask if it's ever going to happen. They didn't meet up as often as they use to but when it happens Richie and Beverly get to talk and just for a while he feels like a child again. And they would always laugh so hard when ever the wedding question was brought up. Neither of them minded being asked because they both knew they didn't like each other in that way.

After the song ended, Richie put out the cigarette. Adding onto the pile of finished cigarettes on the little slope under his window. Smoking was another thing he picked up from Beverly, and partly his parents too. He looked out the window once more and thought how it looked different then it usually does.

He walked to his closet and grabbed a button up t-shirt, blue trousers and a grey shirt. He walked into the bathroom and quickly got dressed. He didn't want to take too long in there, he wants to get out as soon as he can since he knows his father will be back soon and on the weekend he's very impatient and it never leads to something good so it's best for him not to be there for that. Instead of putting on glasses he put in contacts. His mother had bought them recently then stuffed them at the back of the cabinet. She insisted that Richie should try them because he broke his glasses often and they couldn't afford to get them replaced every week. He spent a few minutes trying to get them in, it stung a little but he thought it was just because he wasn't use to it. He looked at himself, he looked very different without the glasses. His eyes weren't as large as they usually were but he couldn't tell if he liked better or not. Richie had promised Eddie to meet his at the quarry at 8am.

He looks at the clock and sees it's 6:45, He thought he set an alarm for 7:30 but he must of put 6:30 instead. He thinks about getting a new alarm clock, Bill a few days ago was talking about this new one he bought, about how good it was and how everyone should get one. The one Richie has now is very old and he didn't like how it looked but he never remembered to get a new one. He had a long time to himself maybe now is a good time to get one, he thinks. He opens his window and slowly slips out. He places his feet on a ladder he had right under his window, then once he hits the floor he grabs his bike and rides off into town.


Eddie slept with a smile on his face.

7:45  beep beep

The small boy slowly got out of bed and dressed. He wore black skinny jeans with a blue jumper over. Brushed his hair and took his morning pills. He no longer took his bag filled with his medication with him. Henry had snatched it off him one time and threw it into a river and when Eddie got home he told his mom he wasn't going to take it with him anymore. They had a huge fight that night, he said some stuff he wish he didn't but it was the first time he had ever fought back. He brought up the pills being fake, Sonia didn't admit it though - she said it helped him. He wanted to stop taking them in total but in the end she still got him to take 2 in the morning and 1 before going to bed. He doesn't like taking them but he agreed onto shortening the dosage. He can understand why she's like this, the death of his father impacted her a lot and she doesn't want to loose Eddie too. Once he was fully dressed the time was 7:55 and he went out the front door, Sonia wasn't awake yet so he was able to leave unseen.

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