11-it was just a joke

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"Oh ok" Eddie said twirling Richie's hair.

"I'll be back" The tall boy said walking out the room. He walked into the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet seat. When he was with his aunt he forgot about how bad Derry really was. He would normally have nightmares every night at his parents but soon as he moved he was able to sleep better and his life was at a high. When he got back in got back, the nightmares returned. It's like a curse, Derry is a curse. Every one there is bad. Either abusive, homophobic,a murderer or a demonic clown.

"Bubba I need to pee" Eddie called from behind the door.

"Oh I'm almost done, just wiping my ass!"

"Gross, too much information"

Richie opened the door and Eddie walked in. Once the small boy was done he walked back into his boyfriend's room and sat on the bed. Richie sat on the chair by his desk.

"Hey you okay Rich?"

"Yeah I'm just thinking"

"About what Bubba" Eddie walked over to him and sat oh his lap laying his head on Richie's shoulder.

"Fucking your mom"

"Oh my god, you can't be serious about one thing?" Eddie jumped off his lap and crossed his arms.

"Sorry Ed's I just had to say it"

"No you didn't, it had been ages since you said one 'your mom' joke and I was thinking you were taking things more seriously but I guess not."

"It was just one joke I didn't mean to offend you"

"Well you did , you of all people know I hate my mom. She homophobic, forces me to take pills and she hits me!"

"Wait, she hits you?"

Eddie raised his hand and covered his mouth. He had never told him about that's part. He never wanted to bring it up because he knew Richie doesn't like talking about that subject and that he had it way worse. Eddie then ran out the room and locked himself in the bathroom. Richie ran after him but the door was shut in his face.

"Ed's...I'm sorry I didn't know that"

"Well you do now!"

Stanley's mum called from downstairs, "Richie! Some ones here for you!"

"Coming!" Richie didn't even notice that his 'parents' were even home.

(added on)

Richie left Eddie by himself as he walked downstairs. He stood by him 'dad' and greeted the women at the door.

"Richie this is Maggie" Rchie pulledbhis hand out and the women shook it. "She's your biological mother"

"What? No my moms called Chiara" Richie said pulling his hand back.

"That's what your dad told you, he lied about a lot of stuff" Maggie said. "I have been looking for you for years, your dad took you away as a child. He hates me and lied about my leaving you"

"Oh" Richie said.

"I bought a house in Derry and I was wondering if you wanted to come live with me?"

"Uhh is that ok Mr.Uris?" Richie asked.

"Well she's your real mother so I'm not stopping you" Stanley's dad said. "You should go pack your stuff"

Richie nodded and ran upstairs. He walked into his room and started to pack his suitcases not noticing Eddie in the bed. He zipped up his backpack and put it on his back then noticing the small boy.

"Why are you packing?" Eddie said.

"Well long story short my mom is here and she's taking me back"

"Oh... does that mean your moving towns?"

"No, I would never leave you Eddie. She bought a house in Derry"

Eddie then let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding in.

"Look Ed's I'm sorry about the whole joke thing and your mom hitting you and that"

"I'm accepting you apology but I'm still mad" Eddie spoke.

"Ok I would love to stay and talk and make out but I need to go"

"Oh ok....should I leave too?"

"Yeah I don't really live here anymore, I could ask if you could sleep round? We can tell her about everything, about us"

"You just met her, so you think you should tell her already?"

"She's my mother and She will find out eventually"

"True, but I have to ask my mom"

"Ok I'll ask for the address then I'll call your home phone"

"Alright" Eddie stood up from the bed and gave Richie a kiss on the cheek before picking up one of his lightest cases and carrying it downstairs. Richie grabbed the other suitcase and bring it downstairs. His mom helped load it in the boot of the car. She offered to drive Eddie home but Eddie turned it down because his mom would have a aneurysm if she saw him in a car with a toizer.


(ง'̀-'́)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ℝ𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝔼𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕖.


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