08.the player

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Today was Richie's 'first day at school' he walked into the school with Stan and Beverly by his side. Soon as he walked in he went to his locker. He put the code in and it opened. Randomly a group of girls came up to him.

"Hey, I'm Greta." One said.

"Your really hot" another said.

"Do you want my number?" Another one said.

Before any one could say anything else a person stood in front of them.

"Guys he's new so hit on him another time"

Richie gave the girls a wink and they all blushed and walked off. The tall boy looked at his locker and was grabbing more books.

"Sorry about them" the voice said.

Richie shut his locker and looked at the boy. His jaw dropped.

"What?" The boy said.


"Holy shit! Richie it's really you?"


"What happened your like really hot"

Richie winked at Eddie and another boy appeared behind the small boy, hugging him.

"Hey babe" the person said.

"Hey" And with that Eddie turned around and kissed him on the lips.

Richie felt like he was going to be sick. But instead of that he started crying. The tall boy just ran away wiping his tears and got into his first class.

The bell had rang for lunch and Richie was in the lunch hall. He sat down next to Beverly and hugged her while crying in her shoulder. Richie whispered something in her ear.

"That Fucker!" She said.

Richie just continued crying into her shoulder.


It was now the end of the day and Beverly ran out the school, furious. She ran up to Eddie and put her hand on his shoulder turning around. No one had ever seen her this mad before. Beverly was a really chill person even when it came to arguments. But when she was angry she was scary to everyone else.

"Hey Eddie can I speak to you in private?" She said trying to stay calm.

"No, You guys lied about Richie and I'm never going to talk to you again because I did nothing wrong!"

She started laughing. "Fine I won't tell you, just a heads up Richie was crying because of you but I'm not going to tell you why"

Eddie never felt guilty but now he did. He HATED the feeling. "Fine, tell me"

"I will, I'm private"


Beverly grabbed Eddie's arm and dragged him to her car.

"I need to calm down so we will be taking a car ride" Beverly said starting the car.

"Ok" Eddie said.

A few minutes passed and Beverly took a deep breath.

"So....the Byers kid....you together?" She said.

"Yeah" Eddie said.

"And you and Richie are done?"


"When did you guys break up?"

"I don't remember"

"You want to know why you don't remember? Well it's because it never happened" she said smiling. Eddie was about to correct her but he couldn't. "You guys are still together, your just cheating on him ,with Will"

Those words made Eddies heart drop. He always assumed that Richie would most likely be the one to cheat but he was wrong. The car then stopped.

"Well here is your house, bye player boy" she said smiling. Eddie stepped out the car looking at the ground. Wow I'm a cheater, player and a douche. I literally kissed Will in front of him.

Before he shut the door Beverly said, "Oh yeah , Richies breaking up with you!" Eddie shut the door and started to cry.


Richie walked home with Stan, telling him everything. They were walking in a park and then they heard talking. It was Henry talking to Vic. Richie was sad and pissed of at the same time. He told stan to go home. He then walked up to the tree were they were smoking at.

"Hey mullet man!" Richie yelled.

"What do you want Uris" he said.

"You know that list of people that I said to stay away from?"


"You can take Eddie off" Richie said looking him in the eye.

"Why? I know we are not friends and I don't care about you feelings I'm just curious" Henry said.

Eddie knew for sure he couldn't go home. He was crying and his mom would freak out because his cheeks were red. He walked down the street and into the park. He sat by a tree. He heard talking and he was about to leave when he heard Richie's voice.
"He cheated on me, I don't care about him anymore" Richie said to Henry and Vic.

"Shit man, I'm sorry" Vic said patting his back. "I've been cheated on too"

"Sorry" Richie said to Vic.

"It wasn't your fault. It was that Byers kid, he took my girl away" Vic said.

"Will Byers?" Richie said surprised.

"Yeah that fuck" Henry said interrupting them.

Eddie started to listen more carefully.

"He took Eddie away from me" The lanky boy tried to not cry.

"That's what he does, flirts with someone, tells them he will treat them better then he steals them, and then dumps them a few months later." Henry said patting Vics back.

Eddie was now crying.

Then Richie spoke up. "I wish I could just reverse everything that happened with me and Eddie. I loved him so much and I was going to tell him that but then I was sent away. I gave him my number and he didn't call once. Not even once. And then I come back and he's with some one else and we are still together. The funny thing is that I went out with Will and he cheated on me." Richie said.

"I remember in middle school me and you two were really close. And you Richie you were really nice to us but then after Will you turned into a dick, that's why we ditched you" Henry admitted.

"Yeah sorry about that" Richie said.

"Don't worry, being cheated on isn't a easy thing to take on"

"the only two relationships I'm in they both cheat on me. Wow my live life is so shitty" Richie said making the others laugh. "Well I'm going to go cry in my pillow now for a few years and I'll see you guy tomorrow"

"Bye, dickwad" Vic called.

Eddie felt so bad. He got up and wiped his shorts.

"Hey isn't it little miss player" Henry said. "See you can't just make our friend cry and think you can get away"

"I didn't mean to cheat on him" Eddie said wiping his tears.

"You can't just accidentally cheat on someone" Vic said.

"Now guess what Eddie?" Henry said. "Your boyfriend is exactly like you. You boys are cheaters"

"Just beat me up already" Eddie said giving in.

"There's no fun in that ,words dig deeper" vic said.

"See Eddie he doesn't love you anymore, he waited for you to call but nothing. You kissed someone else in front of him. And now, everyone is going to know that" Henry said laughing.

"Go get some sleep tomorrow is going to be hell" Vic said laughing.

Eddie ran away from the park. Rather than heading down his own street he headed down the other one.

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