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Richie is being adopted by Stan not Bill , if you were there before the change.

It had been about 2 months since Richie left. He was promised to be back much sooner but there were a few problems along the way. Richie had just turned 16 a few days ago. When he was with his aunt he got a call every night. The losers had planned a schedule. Mike calls on Monday, Ben on Tuesday, Beverly on Wednesday, Bill on Thursday, Stan on Friday and Eddie on Saturday and Sunday anyone could call. The first week was ok. Everyone called on there days except Eddie. Beverly just said that Eddie just needs a few days and he would for sure call next week. But he never did.

Today was Thursday the day before he goes back home. He was on the phone with Bill.

"Hey R-Richie before I go t-there is something I need to tell you."

"Go ahead I'm all ears"

"Well, n-none of the losers wanted to say this but I think you should k-know. It's about Eddie. He doesn't hang out with u-us anymore. He doesn't even s-speak to us, he pretends like we don't e-exist."


"That's why he d-didn't call, soon as you left he started hanging out with W-Will Byers there like really c-close."

"So he just randomly left you guys?"

"Well , since you left h-he has been like weird. He stopped wearing his f-fanny pack and shorts, I just think he d-doesn't hang out with us because we remind him of y-you."

"....oh ok"

"On the first t-three weeks he would still talk to us just separately. He would ask when your going to be back a-and one day he just stopped. we did a-ask him why he stopped talking to us and he just shrugged. And don't get m-mad at him but Ben kinda shouted in his face saying you weren't c-coming back like ever. It's a l-long story but , If you want to know you should ask Ben"

"I've got to go G' night Bill"

"Night Rich"


Richie was not excited to go back.


The sun shunned through the blinds waking Richie up. He walked into the bathroom and splashed water on his face. He looked at himself in the mirror. Throughout the two months he was gone he changed a lot. His jaw line was sharp and he was taller. His hair was a perfect length and colour of brown. His style was different to. He would wear jeans and jumpers but kept his vans. His eyes were brighter and in the middle it was a bit green.

When ever he would walk down to the shop he would catch a few people staring at him and blushing. He was hot and beautiful at the same time.

He walked into the lounge and looked at his aunt.

"Visit when ever you want, who was adopting you again?"

"Stan, Stanley Uris"

"So your soon going to be Richie Uris! It has a ring to it"

Richie laughed and walked to the car. He put his stuff in the boot and sat in the front. The car ride back to Derry was silent. It was a 5 hour drive just to get there. They left at 6am so they would be there around 11am. With a few stops to the gas station they finally made it to Derry. They drove up to Stans house and knocked on his door. The door opened and Stan looked at Richie.

"Hi can I help you?" Stan said

"It's me Richie."

Stan's eyes opened and he smiled, hugging Richie.

"Shit dude you look like hot. I didn't actually know it was you"

"I was gone for two months I can't have changed that much"

"Yes dude you have" Stanley said.

They spent about half an hour moving things in and talking to each other.

"Should we go see the others?" Stan said.

"Like Beverly Ben bill mike and Eddie?"

"Well most of them , minus Eddie"

"Oh yeah"

"Do you know already?"

"Yeah your mom said last night"

"She's your mom to so"

"Oh yeah" The two boys chuckled and made there way to the quarry. When they got there Richie sat on one of the logs as Stan sat next to him.

"They should be here soon. we were planning to surprise you but you came back early"

"Good, I hate surprises" Richie said back.

"Who's the hotty?" Beverly said walking out from behind the tree.

"Beverly, it's Richie" Stan said.

Her eyes widened, like Stan's,and she ran to him.

"Man I would actually fuck you" she said laughing.

"Stan keep the new one away from my girl!" Ben said running toward them. Ben has lost a few pounds so now he was just a little bit over weight.

"Ben, it's Richie" Richie said.

"Shit man , my bad. But still stay away she's mine" Ben said jokingly.

Mike and Bill showed up later and they did what everyone else did. They didn't recognise Richie. No one could without his glasses and his glow up. They all caught up and they decided to go for a walk short after.

Mike, Ben, Stan and bill had to go home because they had a group assignment. So that left Beverly and Richie. They went around walking in town and they turned into a ally way. There were some people at the other end making out but Richie couldn't see or care to know who it was. She pulled out a cigarette from her pocket and gave one to Richie. They were smoking just talking about things when someone yelled:

"Hey slut! What you doing here? Who's this?" It was Henry. He tugged on Richie's jumper turning his face to see Henry. He looked at the lanky boy up and down. "You new?" Richie was taller than Henry by a little bit.

"No, he's not" Beverly said stepping in. Vic pulled back Beverly and put a knife to her neck. She gave a little scream attracting attention from the other people in the alley.

"What's your name?" Henry said.

"You know it mullet man" No one would recognise Richie from his looks but definitely his voice.

"Richie fucking toizer!"

"Correction, Richie fucking Uris. But yes it's me new and improved"

Henry smiled. "This is going to make up for those months you were gone" Henry pulled up his hand.

"Aw you were counting, see I knew you loved me!" Richie said sarcastically earning a punch to the face. "You have really done it Henry!" He lifted his leg and kicked Henry in the dick. Then punched him in the face till he was bleeding and begging mercy. "From now on you leave me, Beverly, Ben, mike, Bill, Stan and Eddie alone!"

Henry flinched as Richie pulled his fist up. He then got up and ran out the alley followed by vic.

"You ok bev?" Richie said running up to her.

"Yeah" Beverly pulled out another Cigarette and lit it up. She took a breath in and watched the smoke exit her mouth. Then she passed it to Richie.

"Thanks Bevvy"

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