03.the needle

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N/a: the first two chapters have been rewritten so from this chapter and on it's a different story, basically Eddie and Richie were captured. This was written back in 2020 so I don't even remember most of the story myself 😭😭. I'm going to write an entirely new reddie story rather than continue this since it's a big mess. I'm unsure when that will be so bare with me please. ANYWAY ENJOY READING <3

"Please just let Eddie go!" Richie was begging for what felt like hours.

"Fine" The old white haired man got up from his chair." I'll let him go on one circumstance, if we let him go then we have no bate for you. So if we let him go you have to do everything we tell you to."

Richie closed his eyes for a second and thought is this deal good enough or is he tricking me? "Fine, just let him go unharmed."

The 'doctor' laughed, "I'll do what I can".

An hour had passed and Eddie started to wake up. He looked over and saw Richie sobbing. "Chee? Where are we?"

Richie's head bounced up. "Omg Ed's your ok, I don't know where we are and this might be the last time I ever talk to you so I just want to say that....I love you."

Eddie didn't know what to say, sure he loved Richie back but he found it really hard to tell him that. So he pretended he didn't hear the last part. "What do you mean this is the last time we see each other?"

"Your going to be set free soon."

"Set free? Are we in jail!"

"No, we are in some sort of lab we're they test on people with abilities."


"Yeah ,like they can do shit with there mind."

"Why are we here then?"

"Apparently I have some sort of ability and they need to keep me here to test on what I can do-"

The door slammed open and a masked person came into the room. The man walked over to Richie and put a needle in his arm injecting him with some sort of see through liquid. Eddie wanted to speak up but he knew he shouldn't. He also noticed that Richie didn't flinch or try to back away from the needle he just let it happen. Then the needle was pulled out the arm and Richie's head dropped in a instant. It looked like he suddenly died. Blood was dripping down from where the needle was, making Richie's arm covered in it.

"What the fuck!" Eddie whispered.

The man turned around. "Oh ,you're awake."

"What the fuck did you just do to him?!"

"Nothing to worry about"

Eddie then remembered the voice. He remembered what happened at the dinner.

3 hours earlier at the café.

Richie soon closed his eyes.

Eddie rolled his eyes. "Is this date that boring?"

No response

Eddie got up and walked to the side of the booth that Richie was on and tried to pull him up. Eddie wasn't strong but he wasn't weak and he could lift Richie up because he was very slim and light weight. When he tried to lift the tall boy up he couldn't. He was really heavy, he grabbed Richie's face and pulled it up.

"Hello?!" Eddie screamed in his ear. Then suddenly a black bin bag was thrown over his small head. Eddie screamed and tried to take the bag of but someone was pulling his hands back. Then he felt cold, he felt something being put in his arm. Then he knew what it was. A needle, Eddie was so used to needles being poked in him because he would be in the hospital constantly. His eyes closed.

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