16.happy death

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Richie and mike spent hours talking about how they could break her out. Soon the devised a good plan. Richie would turn himself in ,then he would see eleven and then they make a run for it whilst mike makes a distraction.

Richie then said bye to mike and he removed the blind fold. He went to the nearest train station and asked the lady when the next train to Indiana is.

"There's one at eight tonight" she said.

Richie bought a ticket and then went home. When he got there Mike and Richie just talked over the plan. Tomorrow morning at 9:15 they would break in.


Now it was 9:13 and they were standing outside the lab. Richie slowly walked up to the guards. Soon as he was in sight the Guards pulled out their guns and pointed them at Richie.

"Name" one guard shouted.

"Richie toizer"

"He's the missing subject!" Another guard said.

"Get him!" The same guard yelled. They all ran at Richie and handcuffed him. They put a gun to his head and told him if he tried to escape they would shoot him. Richie gulped and walked in. They bought him into a white room. The same one he was in before. He sat on the floor as the guards undid his handcuffs. When he was set free the gun was pulled away as the guards left.

Richie just sat there for ten minutes. Waiting for mike. He tried contacting with his mind but he had no response.

The door opened and Brenner came in with Mike.

"Richard stop messing around! I know it's you" he said. Then Brenner looked and saw Richie on the floor . "Wait, who are you?" He asked Mike.

"I'm mike"



Soon as mike said that Brenner pulled out a gun. He pointed it to mikes chest.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know...."

"Your here to save eleven aren't you? She told me about you....you can't save her though"

"What did you do to her you bastard!" Mike spat.

"She died, she failed a mission and it's his fault" Brenner said as he pointed the gun at Richie. "If it wasn't for him, she would still be alive"

"Don't listen to him Mike, he's trying to manipulate you" Richie said.

Brenner loaded the gun. "Say another word and your dead Richard"

"You should leave before I blow his little brain out"

Mike then felt really light headed. He fainted.

Richie then felt really angry. If he moved, he'd die. Then what Eleven said rung in his head.

"You can literally crush someone's heart with your mind"

He closed his eyes and imagined a heart. One then popped in front of him and he grabbed it. Then he squeezed it, making blood poor out of the holes his fingers dug into. Then the heart stopped pumping. He opened his eyes and saw Brenner on the floor, coughing out blood. He coughed once more before he stopped moving. Richie bolted to mike. He chucked him on his back and ran out the lab. He had managed to dodge every guard.

He escaped with mike.


But not with El

'Is eleven really dead?' Richie kept thinking. But she had to be. Eleven wasn't responding to him and when he tried to visit her with his blindfold , he couldn't find her.

Alive or not, Richie left. He was shaking. He had just killed someone. He was a murderer. Richie ran to Mikes. He laid him on the couch as he changed into some spare clothes he bought and took a shower.

Mikes parents weren't home so they weren't there to suspect anything. When Richie was done with getting changed, Mike woke up.

"Richie?" He said, his voice was very drained.

"Mike! Your awake! I thought you were dead" Richie said half-laughing.

Mike then sat up. "Can you get me some water? And a ice pack. Oh and a pill for my head ache"

"Anything else darling? A glass of wine or a new dress?" Richie said in a terrible accent.

"Richie just shut up. We shouldn't be joking around.....is eleven really dead?"

"I think she is, I have tried visiting her with my blind fold but no response and that usually mean that the persons-"

"-Dead" Mike interrupted Richie. "I miss her, so fucking much"

"She's in a better place now. She probably looking down on you right now" Richie said.

Mike smiled. "Well if she is, I want her to know that I love her"

"Wow so romantic darling!"

Mike hit Richie's arm.

"Yeah yeah I'm sorry, I shouldn't be making jokes. Yeah yeah I know"

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