14. Blushing

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Eddie woke up before Richie. Soon as he saw his hands tied up and he was in a random room he didn't recognise he started to freak.

"Help!" He started screaming.

"Ed's?" Richie said slowly waking up.

"Richie where are we?!"

"In my room?"

"Oh, why are we tied up?"

"I don't know, also quiet down people might still be asleep"

"Oh ok sorry, the rope is kinda loosening" Eddie said before pulling his wrists free. He then sat on Richie's lap and untied his hands. When Eddie undid then he looked at Richie, he was blushing.

Stan then came in smiling. Now Eddie and Richie where scared. Stan like never smiled. His humour was weird. And when he laughed it usually meant someone said something they shouldn't have or that Bill did something romantic or that.

"Stanlet Uris? Smiling? What happened?" Richie joked.

"It wasn't you Richie, it was Eddie" Stan said.

"What did I do?" Eddie asked sort of scared and embarrassed.

"Just wait, we need to eat first. I found some microwave pancakes we can eat." Stan then left the room ,Eddie and Richie followed him.

They all ate there breakfast slowly. They were all very hang over. Except Stan, obviously. Bill put his plate in the sink and went back upstairs. All the other losers left after breakfast. So it was just Stan, Bill, Eddie and Richie there.

"Can you tell us what Eddie said, your smiling so it must be funny" Richie said.

"Well last night, I was putting you guys to bed. I put Your in your room" he said pointing at Richie. "Then Eddie started having a temper tantrum about him wanting to share a room with you"

"That's not that bad" Eddie said.

"Just wait. When Richie's drunk he gets really horny, just like every other teenager. But when I said for you guys to not have sex, Eddie said 'not promises' so I'm pretty sure that if I didn't tie you up to the head board you would of lost your virginity"

Eddie then made a gagging noise, "you can get so many infections from that, there are so many std's and no offence Rich but I wouldn't want to give my virginity to you"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Richie replied.

"No! I didn't mean it like that. I meant like i wouldn't want to lose my virginity when I'm drunk. I literally could of fucked anyone and I wouldn't even know when I'm sober"

"Oh ok"


#69 is reddie!!! Fuck yeahhh( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Short chapter yall

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