09.the forgiveness

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(Play the music is you want to add to the sadness)
Richie's pov 🚬

I got home and pulled out a mixtape from my draw. Stan was out , probably with Bill. They were so perfect. Bill and Stan are like the dream couple. They never fight and love each other so much. Why when ever I try to find love it goes downhill. Everything In life is so shitty. My parents, the people who are supposed to love you no matter what, either left me or abused me. The two people I actually loved cheated on me. And school is just hell. It might seem like a dream to be asked out by loads of girls but I don't want girls hitting on me when I'm doing a test. There is really nothing to live for. My friends don't really want me they just put up with me. It's incapable to love me. Because no one has or will be able to. I'm just a fuck up. That's all I am. I fuck up people's life's. I'm just wasting air.


Knock knock

Eddie didn't know why he was doing this. He was at Stan's house. Not for Stan , for Richie. The door opened and Richie stood there. He looked at Eddie.

"What the fuck do you want?" Richie said angrily.

"To say sorry, I'm a real dick"

"Yeah you are , bye" Richie was about to close the door but Eddie pushed the door and stepped inside the house. "Get the fuck out Eddie"

"What happened to the nickname Ed's?"

"Get the fuck out"

"Come on Bubba"

"Get out"

"Chee, please I love you don't kick me out"

"I don't love you back, so fuck off"

Eddie stood there looking at Richie. Then he stepped outside.

"If that's what you want Bubba"

"Yes it is you shouldn't of came here"

"But I just wanted to say sorry-"

The door slammed in his face. It's all that kids fault. Will. Fucking. Byers. Eddie practically stormed to Wills.

Knock knock

Will answered the door. "Hey babe"

"Don't 'hey babe' me, were done."

"Your breaking up with me?"

"Yes your a player"

"Says you, were the same Eddie and you know it"

"I was with Richie when you asked me out, I should've said no."

"You are so fucking dumb, I knew you were going out with Richie at the time. That's what I do I steal people from there lovers"


"You'd still haven't, I was going to break up with you to. I only date people for sex that's it. If Richie takes you back. And that's a pretty big if , he will get tired of you." Will said.

"You are such a ass hole" Eddie shouted before running off back home.


Eddie walked into school and he felt all the eyes on him. He would see people whispering to each other than pointing at him. It was not lunch and Eddie sat on a table in the corner. Of the cafeteria. He would normally sit with Will but after the break up he didn't want to see his face. He sat alone crying into his knees when he heard people walking over to him and sitting at his table. He looked up and saw the losers , except mike, sitting with him. In front of him was Ben and sitting next to him was Beverly and Stan. Bill was sitting next to Eddie and Richie was beside Bill.

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