21.lets leave

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It had been a few days since the sleep over. Richie had realised something. A pattern. His mum was a definite alcoholic. She would also be out for work a lot. She was only home 39% of the time. And she was most likely drunk when she was.

Yes it was better then living with Wentworth but Richie still didn't like it. He wanted a normal relationship with his parents. But in Derry that's rare.

Richie is was currently in his room with Eddie. Preparing himself. He was going to come out to Maggie. Sure she was a good person but ever since Wentworth He's always been a bit stiff when telling people his sexuality.

"Come on Rich, she's nice" Eddie cupped Richie's face keeping him still. "Everything's going to be okay"

"Is it really though Eddie?" Richie looked in his eye looking for some sort of comfort, which he found quickly.

"Yes Chee. Maggie's a good person and if you get kicked out, you can live in my basement or the clubhouse"

Richie laughed. "Ed's both of those places are full of rats. Guess I can make some new friends"

"Come on Richie, you got this" Eddie said taking his hands of Richie's face and walking towards his bedroom door. He opened it and walked out, into the hallway. He walked down the stairs and Richie followed him.

They walked into the lounge/kitchen. Maggie was in the sofa watching a random dating show from their huge television that was installed onto the wall.

"Mrs. Tozier?" Eddie asked. Maggie turned her head.

"You can call me Maggie" she patted the seat next to her. Eddie and Richie sat down in the same sofa.

"Okay, Maggie. Me and Richie have something to say to you"

"Oh okay" she grabbed the remote and paused the show. Then turned back to face them. "Whats up?"

No one spoke for a few seconds until Eddie elbowed Richie in the stomach, earning a groan from the tall boy.

"Ow!" He whisper shouted. "Okay , ma." Richie looked up ,making eye contact. "So me and Eddie...." he looked at Eddie. Then at his lap. "We uh..." he coughed. Then took a deep breath in. "We are dating" he said very fast and quietly.

"Huh? Speak up I can barely hear you. That's a first" they all laughed at that.

"Me and Eddie....We're dating" Richie said looking back up at Maggie. Looking for a disappointing expression but she just looked blanc.

"I'm going to make a sandwich" she said getting off the sofa.

"Mum-" Richie said getting interrupted.

"Do you want one?" She said looking at Eddie.


"Okay I guess not" Maggie said opening the fridge. "You want one Rich-"

"Mom!" Richie shouted. "Don't just pretend like nothing has happened!"

She took a deep breath in. "Look Richie. I don't have a thought on gay people and that. My love is unconditional but I think your a little to young to know that. I think your just confused a little-"

"Mum! I'm almost 17! I'm not too young to know" Richie said grabbing Eddies hand and storming upstairs. They made it to his room and he slammed the door. "Ugh!"

"Chee ,calm down. I'm sorry, I thought she would react better" Eddie said walking up to Richie.

"Eddie I'm so tired!" Richie started. "I'm so tired of this damn homophobic town. I want to go. Leave ,escape or just disappear. Anything to get away from here"

"We will leave this town one day"

"Yeah but 'one day' could mean in 13 years. I want us two to leave, together."

"We will leave together Rich-"

"Eddie can we make a promise? Let's leave this place soon as we are 18"

"I promise but Richie that will take 2 years until we are both 18"

"Then as soon as i turn 18 we leave"

"Isn't that illegal? Or classified as kidnapping since your 18 and I'll be 17?"

"I don't think so"

Btw Eddie is 16 and Richie's 16 almost 17 in my fic they are 6 months apart on birthday date month.

A/n thanks for 2K!!!!! 💕💕❤️💕💞💖💚💘


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