05.the removal

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'Hug him back' Richie instructed.

El did what she was told and pressed a few buttons. Richie soon lent forward and hugged Eddie back.

Out of nowhere Richie spoke. "Eddie, this might sound crazy but there is a chip in my brain you need to help get it out right now."

Richie was waiting for a response but there was none. Eddie just grabbed Richie's hand and sat him in the couch.

"How do you remove it?"

El had explained on how to remove it to Eddie through Richie. Eddie got off the couch and went to the kitchen.

'Richie! My dad is going to take over now you need to think fast.' El said.

Richie then stood up and walked into the kitchen also and walked to the draw that had utensils in it. He opened the draw and pulled out a knife. A sharp small knife. Perfect for stabbing some one with. He looked at it. Then smiled. He was closing the draw when something hit his head.


Eddies pov.💊

I went into the kitchen to grab a screw driver. Richie had said that there was a latch at the back of his neck that I could unscrew to take out the chip. I believed Richie. I use to have a old friends called Will, he was sent there and they also installed a chip in him but he didn't survive. In my dream I would see him, sitting in a blank room reading a 'anti-chip removal guide' I once took it from him and read a bit. I thought Will would react but he just sat there, looking at the wall. Exactly like Richie was. The guide said that when the chip is in the person has no control of their body. So I kept an eye on Richie making sure he didn't leave. I looked back and he was gone. I new this want good. The person who was controlling him is up to something they wanted me to think that I'm talking to Richie. They were up to no good. Soon as I saw him gone I left the kitchen and ran to my room.

For all I knew Richie could be here to kill me.


I ran downstairs after I heard the bang. I slowly tip-toe to the kitchen and I see Richie on the floor passed out and My mom on the right.

"Eddie bear!" She ran up to me and hugged me. "This boy came into our kitchen and was holding a knife!"

Maybe Richie was there to kill me. I knew that the person controlling was using Richie to do a dirty deed. He would never hurt me. And I would never hurt him. I ran up to him and pulled out the screw driver from my pocket and punched him over so he was laying on his back. The latch was right under his jaw.

"Eddie bear! Stay away he's dangerous." My mom said.

I couldn't tell her what happened. "He's my friend he was just helping me cook something."

"Oh Eddie I'm sorry, I knocked him out cold."

"He will wake up soon."

She walked out the room and sat in her chair. I looked back at Richie. I put the screw driver on one of the screws and started to twist it.

One the first screw was off,

Two the second,

Three the third,

Four the last one.

The skin coloured case came off and there was a chip inside. It was slim, blue and glowing. I grabbed a part of tweezers and pulled one of the cords attached to the chip off. Then a second ,then a third ,then a fourth. I grabbed the chip out. It needs to be destroyed. I need to burn it. Richie always carry's a lighter around so I'll just use that one. I dug into his pocket and grabbed it. The back door opened and I walked out, places the chip on the floor and lit the lighter. I lowered the lighter and soon it caught on fire. After about a minute I stepped on it and put out the small fire before my mom sees me do this.

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