12. Setting up

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Maggie drove Richie to a huge house. Like
h u g e. It was white and like 3 times the normal house. They entered the house and Richie dropped his bags along with his jaw.

"What the fuck!" He yelled. The house front room was pretty empty. There were two stairs leading up each side going into the second floor.

"Language!" Maggie said laughing whilst carrying his stuff up the left stairs.

"You sure we have the right house? Your not a their are you?!" Richie yelled half joking.

"No, your dad left because he thought I killed people to get the money. That's why he said I was sick a bad person. He didn't want you to find me, afraid you would 'become a thief like me' he was only trying to protect you honey"

"I guess so....but it doesn't explain why he would abuse me though"

"He wasn't a good man, he was mentally unstable. He use some of my money to pay the police man to say he has killed himself so they couldn't take him into custody"

"Oh, so.....can you give me a second? Do you have a phone?"

"Yeah it's down on the desk in the hallway on the first floor" she said pointing to the wide hallway between the side stairs.

Richie couldn't believed how big the house was. He walked into the hallway and saw the phone. Before he reached for it he looked around. A random door in the hallway led to a bathroom that was the size of a normal persons bedroom. At the end of the hallway there was a lounge that was tidy and clean. A big flat black tv was hung against the wall with 1 couch looking directly at it and 2 others slightly bent in wards creating a semi-circle look. There was a open floor plan to the kitchen.

The kitchen was gray and white themed. There were cupboards surrounding the whole up half of the kitchen counters surrounding the bottom. There was four tall stools tucked underneath the part of the counters that stuck out a bit at the back.

He returned back to the hallway and picked up the phone. He dialled a number and after a few rings...

"Uris house hold"

"Hello Mr.Uris, is Stanley home?"

"Yes one second," Richie could hear him shouting. "Stanleyyyyy!!!, Richies on the phone!! So how's the new place?"

"It's amazing, it's huge!"

Richie heard rustling coming from the other line and then heard, "what do you want Richie?"

"The house is like huge!"

"Yeah no need to brag about it"

"No like it's really big though"

"Are we still talking about the house? Or...."

"Or what?" Richie said with a smirk.

"Nothing, did you just want to call so you could brag about it?"

"No, I want your help. This house is huge and would be perfect for a huge party"

"Like you would be aloud to"

"I'm pretty good at convincing people"

"Sure, keep telling yourself that"

"Fine I'll prove it" Richie raised his hand to cover the microphone and yelled for his mom. Maggie walked over to Richie. He then took his hand of the microphone so Stanley could hear him. "Mom? Can I have a party here to celebrate, like me finally seeing you again?"

Maggie thought about it for a second. "Sure, but if anything breaks in here I'm going to be mad. And no sort of sex going on between you and who ever. I'll be out at tomorrow from 7pm and will be back the day after for some work so do it then"

Richie nodded at Maggie then left to go upstairs. "She said yes! It's starts tomorrow from 8:30pm. Start inviting people"

"What about alcohol and that?"

"There is probably a secret stash here and I can ask bev to bring some and if we invite the football team they are definitely going to bring some"

"Ok, at school tomorrow we should tell people to"

"Sounds good noodle boy"

"Don't call me that Richie, I sound like Eddie right now. Bye"

"Ciao" Richie then placed the phone down and ran upstairs. There was 6 rooms upstairs. 2 master bedrooms that came with 2 master bathrooms, a game room that was full of arcade games and pool tables. There was also another lounge that was a little smaller and more cosy. Richie then walked into his room. He started to unpack and before he knew It, it was night time. He buried himself in the bed sheets and fell asleep.

He woke up at 6am. He got changed, brushes his teeth, got on his bike, got to school, went to his classes (telling everyone in them that there was a part and they all agreed to go) ate lunch, went to a few more classes and then finally got home. Eddie , Stan , bill and Ben all came to help get ready for the party. They set up a few speakers and put up a few tables that were covered in different types of drinks. Richie had found his mother's secret drink stash and there was a lot. Vodka, tequila, shots, whiskey and a hot lot of others. Soon it was 8 and the losers all sat in the downstairs lounge waiting for people to arrive.

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