06.the move

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Richie's Pov 🚬

My head hurts like shit. All I can remember is that I was in Eddie's kitchen. Just standing above the draw with a knife in my hand when something hit the back of my head.

"fuck!" I yelled. Wait when am I able to talk? I sat up. When the fuck could I move? The chip, is it gone?



Richie was lying on Eddies bed. He got off the bed and stretched his legs. Eddie heard the yell and ran straight to Richie.

"Hey ,Chee? You ok?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah it's just weird I can walk n' talk again" Richie raised his hand up to the back of his head. "And my head hurts like shit"

"Oh sorry, my mom kinda' hit you in the back of the head with a tray".

"Oh" Richie started chucking. He sat back down on the bed and patted the space next to him. Eddie walked over and sat next to Richie. The tall boy looked Eddie in the eyes. He felt himself getting lost in them. He then looked at Eddie's lips. They were soft and a light shade of pink. Eddie started to lean forward, the two were only centre meters away from each other. Richie could hear Eddies breathing very clearly. "Ed's?"


"Will you be my boyfriend? Like officially"

Eddie smiled and gripped of Richie's shirt. He pulled Him forward and Richie's lips landed on Eddie's. The kiss was soft, the two boys loving every second of it. Eddie then pulled away.

"Of course, bubba".
⚠️ Trigger warning's:abuse and gay slurs.⚠️

Richie had gotten back to his house with a smile on his cheek. Soon as he shut the door behind him his smile dropped. The house smelt of alcohol and weed. His dad was home.

"Boy, come here." Wentworth said.

"Yes sir". Richie walked over to the voice in the kitchen. His dad was in there sitting on a stool.

"Where were you?"

"At my friends, sir" Richie had never been so terrified of anyone in his life, except from Wentworth.

"Is it with that slut?"

"No sir" Richie then whispered to himself. "her names Beverly ,not slut"

Wentworth heard him. "Are you back talking?!" He stood up and grabbed Richie's shirt. He pinned him against the wall. "Tell me who you were with."


"So the fag"

Richie put his hands into his fists. His face turned red with anger.

Wentworth then looked at Richie's fist. Then he started laughing. "Are you planning to hit me?!"  Barley being able to say anything because his laughter took over him. "You don't have the balls" he looked the boy in the eyes. Wentworth then picked up his hand and punched Richie in the face. He then started kicking him in the stomach. Richie fell to the ground as his father kept kicking and punching him.

Richie's eyes shut, all he heard was ringing.

His eyes opened again and he was in the hospital , lying on a hospital bed.

"Hey R-Richie you ok?" Bill was sitting on the chair next to Richie.

"How did I get here?"

"Well I w-was coming to your house to f-finish our a-assignment and I saw w-what your dad was d-doing. I-I called the p-police and t-they
a-arrested him. You h-have been h-here fo-for 3 d-days"

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