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Greta. Eddie hates her. Like hate,hates her. For two very obvious reasons. One, she was Richies screw buddy for a few weeks ,and two she was trying to hit on Richie.

It was in English class earlier that day Greta announced she was throwing a high school party. When I say announced, I mean that she created a group chat with a bunch of people and invited them on there.

So there Richie and Eddie were, at the party. They were sitting on the edge of the sofa when Eddie went to get himself a glass of water. Saying 'I'm getting a head ache from the smell of sweaty teenagers'

Richie just laughed as Eddie walked away, now leaving space on the sofa for Greta ,being the bitch she is, to take a seat.

She was wearing a short pink skirt with a white crop top saying 'cherry bomb' on it. She was also wearing fishnets and platform shoes.

For being a big bitch, her style is actually good. Richie thought. Soon as Greta sat down she put her hand on his lap.

See, Richie is not good in situations like this. He doesn't know how to react because he doesn't want to upset anyone, so he does nothing.

"Hey" She says. Richie's not looking at her, but at her hand that's on his leg. She leans into Richie's ear, "baby" Richie's eyes widened. "I missed you, no one is treating me as well as you did" she said in a fake pouty voice. "Want to take a drive?" Greta was whispering in his ear loud enough for Richie to hear over the music but not so anyone could hear. She dug her hand in the back of her shoes and pulled out a key. "Come on, Rich"

"U-uh no t-thanks" he stuttered.

"No?" She laughed , still whispering in his ear. "Come on Rich, I hate it when you lie to me.."

"I-I don't w-want to g-go, I can't l-leave Ed's-"

"Come on Rich. Where did the fun in you go? I could show you fun..."

"Please G-Greta , I'm with someone-"

"I. Don't. Care. Come on Chee" she whispered.

"Don't call me that"

"Why? It's a cute nickname, Chee"

"Just don't"

"Your sounding like the midget kid now"

Then Eddie entered the room, with his glass of water. Then started to walk back to the couch not realising Greta was there. The two on the sofa was eyeing Eddie as he slowly walked to them. He was looking at the floor and not walking 100% straight. He walked up to Greta then turned around. He slowly sat down.

On Greta.

"What the fuck!" She yelled as she pushed Eddie off, getting whatever red coloured drink in Eddie's cup all over her clean white shirt.

"What?" Eddie said as he was pushed onto the ground. "Owww"

Meanwhile Richie was laughing very loudly, catching the looks of the others in the room.

"What the fuck! It's all over my shirt!" She screamed whilst she ran out the room.

Richie just continued laughing until Eddie stood back up.



"Are you drunk?"

"No dad it's only marijuana"

"What was in your cup?"


"What water is red?"

"Greta's toilet water"

"Let's get you home Ed's"




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