Chapter 3: Getting To Know My Other Half

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[ Pluto P.O.V ]

As I ran I followed Selene's sent, and I felt myself think.  ' This is a great way for me to get to know her ' ' Maybe I can get her to know me too, and then we won't be total strangers anymore. ' As I ran I followed her sent for hours as I started to get farther from the town. I knew she would have to live far away for me to not have met her before, but I wasn't shore how far. I noticed as I stopped to catch my breath that the sun was going down a little. But then I took notice of a cave that I could see through the dead trees in front of me. I proceeded to check the cave since her sent wasn't as faded as before as the sun was setting over the horizon. I couldn't see well until my eyes glowed and helped me see through the darkness. I looked around and then got  startled by a growling sound followed by a demon hound's face bearing teeth at me. I smiled at the fact it was Selene. Then upon recognizing me she stopped growling and asked confused

" What are you doing here? " I smiled and said " Well, I was hoping to get to know you more. " " I mean, you left so quickly. " she looked at me sheepishly

" I'm sorry. I just...don't trust human's. " then she glanced at the entrance of the cave noticing it was very dark out now. Then she said moving towards a corner by the side of the cave wall

" You can spend the night here since it's a long way from the town. " She laid down and I felt excited that I could talk with her some while I'm here. I took a spot not so close to her but just enough to where we could see what each other was doing, so that this way she won't feel like I'm invading her territory. I had laid down as well and after a bit I started to ask her questions.

" How long have you lived here? " she turned her head to face me and said calmly " Not very long " so then that means she lived somewhere else before she came here? where? I asked a little excited that she was alright with questions " Do you like it here?! " she took a while before she said

" I like how it's quiet and safer than most places..." that might be true, I hadn't been very far from this town. Then I asked what I thought once I said it I realized just how bad a question it was.

" Do you like humans? " she looked at me with cool expression. Bad topic. She turned her head then she said coldly

" I hate them " I asked surprised " Why do you hate human's?! " then her response left me hopelessly confused as she faced me

" Because I love them " I asked since her response left me even more confused " So, you hate them and you love them? What does that mean?! " I felt like my brain might explode. She looked at my confused expression and smiled apologetically and said gently

" I'm sorry, but I mean that I love humans for being so creative and how they express themselves. " then she had a slightly fond smile on her face as she seemed to trail off " I use to love listening to humans singing and their music. I found it was nice when I'd catch a glimpse of kids playing with one another. " I couldn't help but smile at what she liked about humans. It seemed so similar to what I like about them. Then the fondness faded as she held a now emotionless expression

" What I hate about humans is that they can become cruel and loose sight of kindness and exploit it and others. " " I hate how they take things that are good about this world and they keep finding ways to destroy it. " she fell silent after that and I could tell that this was something that really bothered her. I didn't say anything. As silence grew I said trying to make things end on a good note " Well, I think maybe If you learn to find more things about them you love the less you'll hate. " she smiled slightly then said silently " Yeah, maybe. " then she said that we should probably get some sleep. We agreed to settle for the night. But though I got to know her a little better I feel like an idiot, but at least we have had a open and an actually personal conversation. It might make me understand why I took notice of how she doesn't care for Angela. Maybe I can help change that.

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