(For the record do not own any of these pictures nor Black Butler, and I do not own these characters except my'n. )In Houndsworth, the towns people said that there was two dogs that were there. The good white dog, and the bad black dog. Before Cie...
I woke up the morning a week after the party. I was waking up and I smiled at Pluto who was sleeping next to me. But when I was starting to stretch out I felt surprised when I looked to see he was awake. I said smiling softly " Hi " then he smiled his goofy smile but then he started to lean against me. This made my face a little tinted pink. I was back in my maid outfit and I felt that ever since the party I felt like Pluto showed a side of him that wasn't always energetically happy and care free. And ever since then I think I'm starting to really feel like I'm falling for him. I started to get up and when we got up into the manor where new strangers had arrived to meet the master. I walked into the study to help serve tea to them. I walked in and saw the three knew visitors. One of them was a lady that was striking. Befitting her title as "Madam Red," she possesses red eyes and crimson hair that is kept in a bob-cut. She is has on red lipstick and clothing, which normally consists of a red skirt and matching waistcoat, a ruffled white blouse, a red hat, and black gloves. She also occasionally carries a red parasol.
Her red hair which reminded him of "red spider lilies in full bloom." except the weird thing was that I could smell her perfume and it matched the smell of spider lilies. She seemed to have a crude personality but also rather loud and out going. I served tea and stood by the wall near the door. She exclaimed once looking at me
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" Ciel darling, who is this new help of yours? " He glanced at me then said returning his gaze to her. " This is Lady Selene, she's a new maid I hired. Oh, and it might help you to know that she's a mute. " then she exclaimed " Oh? "
" But she is quite lovely none the less. " I looked at the man with a woman on his lap who Madame Red addressed
" Lau for once I have to agree with you. She is quite a lady. " This Lau looked like a tall man with short black hair and dark brown eyes—of which he almost never opens. He has a blue dragon tattoo going up his left arm. Lau appears to be dressed in sumptuous Chinese clothing, which includes a Changshan. He has a natural inclination to keep his hands hidden and clasped together in his "capacious" sleeves—hidden within them is a certain needle, which he describes as "an instrument of oriental medicine." I looked at his face which seemed to hold a calm and cool expression, but I didn't like how my nose could smell what he was smoking. It was so strong it nearly masked the potent smell of the perfume. I believe he talked about smoking something called opium. The woman on his lap he introduced as Ran-Mao. Ran-Mao has large, golden eyes and jet-black hair with thick, square bangs. Her hair is arranged in long thin braids and cat ear-like buns, accompanied by a pink peony and a golden tassel on the left bun. She wears a short, lavender and black cheongsam , that is decorated with dark-pink petals, and a dark blue cropped jacket on top. Additionally, she dresses in thick black stockings, black ballet shoes, and gold anklets with bells.
I noticed that they gathered to discuss the recent string of murders so vicious that the killer was given the nickname " Jack the Ripper."
Lau pointed out that the murderer is definitely an "abnormal madman", and he questions if Ciel the master is daring enough to investigate the gruesome crime scene. He opts that they go right away, but when Madame Red asks him for the location, he reveals that he, too, does not know where the crime scene is. Ciel then says