Chapter 20: The Start

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[ Selene P.O.V ]

It was mid-day and I was helping along with the other servants with the master's things that needed packing for a trip. Apparently, the young master was going on a trip to Paris, France. He was going to an exhibition that her majesty the queen was visiting. I suppose, the unpleasant event not so long ago was alarming that the queen herself was involved. I suppose he just wants a conference with her to understand what her part was in it. 

I wasn't going with I am going to stay here with Pluto and just try to maintain the estate. I wasn't feeling sore at all anymore. I wanted to just take my own vacation. Besides, I doubt I'll be any help to him and Sebastian. 

They left and I had decided to take some time with Pluto, and some alone time. I think ever since the last mission it has been easier for me to be able to be more affectionate with him. 

[ Pluto P.O.V ]

I was very happy that Selene decided to stay. I love how now I'm able to lick her face and she won't make me stop. In fact she even does it to me and I'm able to see her more relaxed. I love how she's able to play more. 

[ Third Person P.O.V ]

At the exposition, they hear of a sample of an angel, and go look, but sees only a normal monkey. However, the monkey's eyes glow red and he begins to attack. Ciel becomes upset, but Sebastian tells him he will take care of it, and has Ciel escape outside. Once outside, he spots Angela Blanc and takes off in the opposite direction of her, and arrives in the Eiffel Tower where he meets Queen Victoria. The elevator begins to move, and she comments on the "dirty" and "unclean," stating that she needs to exterminate everything. Once out of the elevator, she begins to sing "London Bridge is Falling Down," and Ciel angrily questions her about his family's slaughter. A strong wind blows her black veil off, revealing the face of a young girl. Ash Landers  states that due to her grief over her husband's death, she was nearly driven to suicide, so she could be with her husband forever, which prompted him to connect part of her husband's body with her. Queen Victoria then commands Ash to slay Ciel. When he attacks, Sebastian comes to Ciel's rescue.

Ciel then orders Sebastian to kill both Ash and the queen. Queen Victoria cries in distress, asking Ciel to stop it, while Ash's and Sebastian's fight causes debris to rain down on the citizens at the expo. Taking note of this, Ciel orders Sebastian to stop, which annoys and surprises Sebastian. In the diversion, Ash grows wings and takes Queen Victoria away.

While in the carriage leaving the expo, Sebastian again questions why he was stopped, but Ciel dismisses the question with a weak excuse. Sebastian points out, though, that he now has hesitation and wonders why he is still loyal to the queen, but Ciel says he was never loyal to her. When Ciel insults Sebastian further, Sebastian becomes visibly annoyed and states that Ciel must be tired.

When Ciel awakes, Sebastian is not present and does not come to his calls. He decides that Sebastian must have decided to abandon him, and tries to return to London on his own. While managing to make it to the harbor, as a child, he is walked over and finds it difficult on his own.

[ At the Manner ] [ Selene P.O.V ]

It was late at night, I had a bad feeling that the master was in some kind of trouble. I guess, I just was feeling like there was too much peace going on. I brushed this off a little and then I walked over to Pluto who was sleeping in front of the manner. He was in his suit and was curled up on the ground. I walked over to him and smiled at him and said 

 I walked over to him and smiled at him and said 

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