Chapter 40: Birthdays and Anniversaries

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[ Selene P.O.V ]

Being a parent is hard but I love every moment it takes in my life  everyday. Sebastian asked me and Pluto to the ballroom. We walked to the room where I opened the door which had a dark room but once we took a couple steps in and a voice said before candles started to light as the room was lit now. 

" Happy Anniversary, you two! " I saw everyone we've met before was standing holding a candle each all smiling at us. Then Sebastian said smiling

" It's a part in your honor. It's to celebrate the anniversary of both of your arrival here as members of the Phantomhive estate. Lady Elizabeth and the young master have tried to plan the days of your birthday's, but unfortunately we couldn't. The closest we could do was to celebrate when you two came into our lives. " next thing I knew I felt Pluto lean his head against mine as he stood beside me. Then we both gasped as Mey-Rin, Baldroy, and Finny came carrying a four story cake that looked like a wedding cake rather than a birthday cake. Pluto had drooled a little bit as it was white and had dog biscuits around the top cake. I felt myself wipe my mouth just to snap out of it. I held onto him to keep him from going after the cake, but when Lady Elizabeth asked him to sing a birthday song anyway. I felt surprised and amused when he actually started to sing which you could hear was calm and clear as it could be herd from the room. I felt I appreciated him actually doing it but I felt Pluto looked really happy at this. I noticed that he let go of me and started to nuzzle happily against Sebastian. It made me chuckle at the sight and then everyone started to get ready to cut the cake and handing out plates to everyone. 

When I gave Pluto his plate he took it but started to stuff it into his face but he said smiling at me "  Selene this stuff is awesome!!" I smiled but then he grabbed my piece from my plate with a fork and was going to try to eat mine. I said 

" Hey! " then he smirked and shoved it into my face. But as I took my time to start eating I realized that it tasted so good, but then he smirked and as I closed my eyes as he said

" It's good right. I told you so! " It was vanilla but had a really sweet with a cream cheese frosting. When I nodded and looked at him his face was right in front of his but next thing I knew he leaned and pushed his lips against mine. Then he pulled back and then started to lick my lips kinda slowly before moving a little faster to around my face. At first, I thought he was just trying to get all the cake, but then I herd him starting to have a low growl as he kept his eyes looking at me. I tilted my head wondering what was up but then he dropped the plate and fork and then he started to grab me. I looked at him and asked confused why he's being so strange all of a sudden

" What are you doing, Pluto? " then I felt him starting to hold his head into my neck and he inhaled my scent but then he whispered into me. 

" Even your lips taste good, your face too. " but then he licked the side of my neck making me shutter and caused me to stumble back and I fell to the ground with him landing on top of me. Then he said continuing licking up my neck and up from my chin. I felt my face heating up understanding he was trying to ravage me right now. I started to push against him trying to push him off even though my face was a mess because I herd laughs from everyone watching. Then he snickered and when I was able to sit up he said seeming to be back to normal

" Now then, how about we get some more of that cake! " I sighed relieved he was done and was thinking of something else. But next thing I knew he got up and lunged at the table of plates of pieces of cake and started to stuff his face fast. A part of me was happy with all of this going on but another wanted to know why I hadn't herd any trouble or noise from our kids. I think being a mother has come kinda like second nature to me. Time has pasted since they were born, and I can remember how small they were.

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