Chapter 26: Triple Trouble

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I woke up and got dressed into my maid outfit and opened the curtains and when I did I walked out of my room and found Canterbury looking at me from the hallway. I held my note pad in my hands I had held in front of me. I looked at him surprised a little but then started to walk past him to head down stairs. I then started to get down stairs and decided to do what I had done yesterday. I went to the kitchen and saw Timber who noticed me coming in. He then said

" Everything is clean, but I don't think the floor is clean enough though. " I then started to get a bucket of water and a scrub brush. He seemed a little strange but I ignored it. I started to scrub the floor which he grabbed another brush and started to help tackle the floor. As I scrubbed the floor I'd stop every now and then when I thought I felt someone staring at me. But I guess it was just my imagination. 

[ Time Skip ]

We were done washing the floor and I stood up but I ended up stepping back on some of the slippery floor but then I felt my arm get pulled into someone. I realized it was Timber who stood up and pulled me into him as he held onto me saying his voice still monotone.

" Selene you have to be more careful. " Then I said pulling myself away and letting my hand be out of his " Um...thanks,  I'll try. " Then I got the bucket and the brushes and started to put them away. His voice sounded more charismatic than Canterbury and Thomas, but you could still hear the concern in his voice.

I then went into the garden next. I was moving my right hand against the hedge as I started to walk closer to where I could try and find Thompson. But then just as I got close to a part of the maze. I saw him cutting the thorns of roses off as he sat on a chair at a table. His voice was usually very positive and cheerful. He seemed a little quiet for some reason. I walked up and he noticed me like he sensed me or something. But then I noticed he said

" Hey " but then he winced once he cut his middle finger not noticing he missed the thorn he was trying to cut. I quickly grasped his hand and started to suck on the cut to stop the bleeding. Then I looked at him before removing the thorn which made him wince slightly before I returned to sucking the cut. Once I noticed it stopped I pulled away and let go of his hand. I didn't really realize it, but he had a slightly weird look on his face. I wrote down that it was the only way to make it stop bleeding. He understood with a nod but I decided to help cut the rest of the thorns off the roses. 

When I was done I put them all back in the basket they were in. But then I found some flowers that Hannah who was admiring the garden found lovely. I noticed they were blue bells. I snipped one that had four flowers on it. I then took one and put two, one on both sides of his bangs. I smiled and Hannah smiled as well at this. 

I held onto the two remaining flowers and held my note pad and my pencil fell to the floor. But as I turned to grab it Thompson picked it up and held it for me. I smiled and took it and waved bye. Thompson looked down at his finger and was thinking about something, probably how to work around the cut.

[ Thompson P.O.V ]

Even as she sucked on the cut I felt her lips were soft as they gently made my cut feel numb. I couldn't help but feel a little flustered by this. 

[ Selene P.O.V ]

I walked into the dinning room where I noticed Canterbury was coming out of the kitchen with dishes to set the table up for the next meal. I quickly started to go into the kitchen to get the rest of the plates. I saw Canterbury come in saying

" Do you have the rest? " I nodded and then put a flower in left side of the bangs on Timber and the other on the right on Canterbury. His voice sounded more deeper than the other two. I smiled at their confusion as I made my way out of the kitchen and started to walk to the table to start setting the plates. I helped set the table and everything went smoothly. I had some free time and noticed that I hadn't tried out the maze yet. I started to walk and found myself a little lost. I wanted to find my own way but then I herd a branch snap. I turned around and saw the three triplets watching me. I sighed in relief and wrote down asking what they were doing but then my heart gave another flutter but this time I didn't beat it down, I was too distracted by the fact that they were coming closer. When they reached me I had already tried to write something down. But the one on the right Timber grabbed my hand stopping me from writing.  The one on the left Canterbury kissed my cheek, and the one in the middle Thompson tilted my head up and whispered

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