Chapter 7: Selene's Past Life

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Like I had promised, once Elizabeth left I had gotten changed out of the maid outfit and then changed into my true form. Pluto changed out into his demon hound form right away tearing the suit to shreds. When I joined him I realized just how long it had been since I wasn't in my human form. We started to horse around which Finny joined in. By the time we were done rough housing Pluto started licking the side of my head. I noticed Finny seeing this and innocently said

" You two get along like great pals. " I spent the whole day with Pluto and I continued to have fun. We even cuddled as we slept in the dog house kinda like how we would in the cave back in Houndsworth. Pluto and I did this for weeks. One night he was still energized and he asked me

" Where did you live before you came to Houndsworth? I mean, you seem to know a lot about the world. " I then explained to him more about my life before we met but I started way back in the past.

" I actually lived in another small town it's in a island called Ireland it's east of Great Britain which is where London is here. " I then continued to unravel the story.

" I used to live there and ran through long lines of green fielded plains. Not many people found out I was even there. It was quiet and for the most part I was able to live among the villagers in my human form. " then Pluto said amazed " That sounds like a great place! But then, why did you leave? " I waited a moment before saying why.

" Because one day someone tried to and succeeded in murdering someone who was kind to me. "Even though I looked human, this old woman with gray hair would give me food and clothes to wear when we'd meet. She lived in a normal house, but that day she let me sleep in a spare room. She lived alone and that day I was sleeping. Then someone came over and I think they talked for a while. I woke up to this man yelling and some things broke startling me awake. I ran into the living area and I glanced to see her dead on the floor. The man exclaimed in anger and confusion of who I was and why I was there. I growled at him in rage as he quickly pinned me down. He was going to try and kill me. I knew it by how desperate he was. I knew he'd try to get rid of me to make shore I wouldn't talk." Pluto concerned asked "What happened next?" I smirked at him for how into the story he was as I continued "He pinned me down and through me across the room. I tumbled on the carpeted floor and once I stood up, I transformed into my demon hound form." "I ended up killing him, and without noticing I set the place on fire. I was able to take the woman's body out with me making shore no harm would come to it." "I was spotted by villagers with me holding the body and the destruction of the house caused fear and anger towards me by the other humans." "I had taken the body to a morgue so she's got a proper barrel then what I could do." "Ever since then the humans in Ireland feared and hated me. I would see their kids and they hid and took them away as If I was a monster. Eventually even in my human form the people kept me away and eventually tried to hunt me down. I took clothes and stowed away on a shipping boat. I hid in the cargo, and to hide from the people checking for stowaways I transformed and dressed myself as I hid in the small bits between the boxes." "When it had arrived at the destination, I saw a great British port which turning back to normal wouldn't have been the best choice." "I then escaped and fled to a cave that I was able to live then had to move closer into Houndsworth." at that Pluto exclaimed " Wow, you've been through a lot. " I smirked and said " That's why I understood you when you killed the mayor. He was someone you had to get rid of for a human who was kind to you and you care about. " he fell silent at the comparison but still felt a better sense of understanding. I didn't go further into detail because I didn't want to bring up old memories then needed to be said.

 I didn't go further into detail because I didn't want to bring up old memories then needed to be said

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The Black Dog( Black Butler fanfic) ( Pluto x Demon Hound )Where stories live. Discover now