Chapter 15: Movie Reruns

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I woke up the next morning and felt myself lifting up and down slowly. I looked up to see Pluto's sleeping face. It was so cute even though he was drooling a little bit out of the corner of his mouth. I remembered that I had no clothes on and neither did he. I started lifting myself up off of his chest and couldn't help but stop above his face. I smiled at his cute sleeping face and I leaned a bit to lick his face. Then I moved off of him and sat on the side of the bed. I stretched my arms out as I stretched my back. I then yawned and herd 

" Hey " then I stopped stretching and looked at Pluto who had sat up and was looking at me with a grin on his goofy face. He leaned on all fours on the bed as I beat him to kissing him. I pulled away as I smiled back at him. We leaned are foreheads together as we closed are eyes we started to rub heads together. But then I remembered once a sound broke this moment.

* knock on door * " Ma lady, we'll have a guest coming soon. We must make preparations before Sebastian gets worried. " I quickly stood up from the bed. I just realized I had to write a note quick or she'd look inside to see if I was sleeping. I quickly shoved it through a small crack I made with the door. I closed it and she left once it said I'd get dressed. I herd her say as I leaned on the door nervously. 

" O'l righty then. I'll see you down then. " I closed my eyes as I sighed in relief. What would I even try to say or write to explain to her the sight of Pluto naked in my room. Not like it be far from the truth though, but then I herd her walking farther and farther away. 

" You're making it so easy for me the way you're leaning against the door like that. " I opened my eyes and saw Pluto standing in front of me with a mischievous smirk on his face as he leaned closer to me as I was on the wall. He made sounding seductive easier for him. I bit my bottom as he started to lick my face as he clung to my shoulders. I felt my face heat up but then I started to shake my head as I said pushing him off and towards the window.

" P-Pluto? No. Uhm...! I have to get ready and I don't want anyone walking in and seeing you in here. I don't know when the guest will arrive and you need to get clothes on too. " Then I opened my window and he turned to face me and asked curiously " Why do you not want me to be seen in here with you? We are together, it makes sense. " then I felt surprised at his question and I said feeling my face darken

" I" then he snickered and said " I get it, you're afraid someone will get the wrong idea of what kind of person you are. " I felt stunned at how he hit the nail on the head. Then I said " Uh....yeah, exactly. " then I looked at him as I remembered what transpired last night which only made my face turn like a tomato. This made me look down from him which made him grin and say leaning closer to my face

" I love it when you act so coy, Selene. " That made me close my eyes and say waving my hands in the air as I tried pushing him out the window. 

" Alright alright! That's enough out! " he got out and I closed the window and proceeded to dress myself into by maid outfit. Then started cleaning the bed of well....the messed up sheets to straighten it out. I got all dressed and looked out my window to see that Pluto had been tackled by Baldroy and Finny who were in the process of getting him in his clothes.

I laughed at the sight of them trying to keep him in clothes. I walked outside my room and when I saw the annoyed and defeated Pluto was standing by the grand stair case. I giggled slightly and I decided to go to the kitchen to get the tea cart ready for when the guest arrives. I walked in feeling as I got everything set up that I was surprised to hear Tanaka chuckling.

" Oh ho ho " I turned around with a tea pot in my hands as I froze at the random man in front of me. ' Good God! What is he doing here?! ' I then saw that man from the curry festival. The one who accompanied the queen. Then he asked 

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