Chapter 6: The Visitor's Stay

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[ Pluto P.O.V ]

I woke up in the next morning sleeping on my back on the floor. I had felt a slight heaviness on my chest. I glanced down surprised to find as I looked down. A sleeping Selene was resting her head and her right hand over me. She nuzzled against me in her sleep. I felt her cute face pressed against me made me smile softly at how peaceful she seemed. I didn't want to move or wake her. But when she did wake up she seemed happy and a little drowsy, but the only down side was I wish she'd return my affection when I try to lick her. But then she straitened herself up and left into the mansion of a house. I knew that today I'll go in that building and join her, and then we could hang out more.

[ Selene P.O.V ]

Yesterday I learned how to do things like dusting which I found fun to do. I was also taught other thing's mostly by Sebastian then Ms. Mey-Rin. Over all I'm at least capable of pouring and serving tea. But as I had brought food out from Baldroy's kitchen

" AAH!!!! "

a tea cart had crashed through the doors and had a screaming and clinging for dear life, a butler with long brown hair in a pony tail. Elizabeth was shocked at the scene. I noticed the three servants standing like bowling pins as the cart was proceeding in their direction. I ran in front of the and held my hands out waiting for the impact. I managed to grab the carts handle and stopped it but it had the back lift in the air spilling tea of Finny. Once the cart was completely grounded I turned around to witness what happened next. Next thing I knew the table cloth was pulled going to spill the food to the floor. I saw this and managed to quickly grabbed the tray with a pie on it as the rest fell to the floor. It was one that the master was going to eat before it was pulled away from his fork. I sighed in relief and in dismay at the mess I'd have to clean up. I stood up and placed the pie on the table at least glad it survived. I found with Baldroy being preoccupied a lot by this butler. I found my sense of smell help keep today's pie from starting to brown too dark or burn for that matter. I just stood around and took it out while he had to clean up this hopeless man's mess he made this morning. Ever since the master along with Sebastian have had less burning problem's.

Elizabeth commented smiling in surprise as I served them both a slice of the pie. " Well, it's lucky we still have the pie at least. " As I started to knelt down to start sweeping up the broken fragments of dishes from the floor Elizabeth commented once more as the master took a bit of the pie

" Ms. Selene is impressively strong to have stopped that cart. " at this time the three servants were scolding Grell as he has come to be known as at the mess he had caused. Then I herd a voice break my concentration of sorting through what was food and still had tea in it.

" Indeed, but I found she's much more competent then those three in means of response time and taking action. " I looked up to see Elizabeth smiling and saying " I can see that, that's so wonderful to have her then Ciel. " I then looked at the young masters face and felt myself smile at how much I'm making him happy. I then continued to clean up the mess. The young master and Sebastian had left to do an errand while we were left with Elizabeth.

[ Time Skip ] [ Third Person P.O.V ]

Everyone inside the manor herd the horses hooves trotting from the carriage as the front door opened upon their arrival.  They opened to see the work of the great crazy girly monster. As every square inch was ribbon-ed and sparkled with plush toys in almost every corner of the place.

Sebastian exclaimed at both his and the young masters dismay " What happened to this place? It's a disaster " Then running and crying at their feet of Sebastian who had come to save them. Baldroy gripped Sebastian by the coat and was the only one who was scared and angry at the fact he was dressed as a baby with a bonnet. As both Mey-Rin and Finny who was dressed like a rabbit with ears and big paws were crying at his feet at how scared and upset they were.

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