Chapter 34: Selene's Strange Days

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[ Pluto P.O.V ]

The next day Selene slept in and didn't get up till noon which was really out of character for her. I slept in with her but wanted to play games with her. She seemed to not feel so worried about it.

But then, when it was lunch time she ate hers but then a bit later she started to through up in a bathroom. She then went about the day relatively normally. But then I herd when we were going to bed she wanted to sleep without me by her side. She seems kinda stand off-ish but I just gave her her space. 

[ Selene P.O.V ]

I don't understand why I'm feeling so fatigue and nausea's. It's also strange how I'm not eating my food fast like I normally would, but in fact I feel a little full just after a bite. I felt as I wanted to sleep that I wasn't in the mood to sleep with someone. I feel a little out of sorts that I feel myself is a little out of normal. I fell asleep, but I started to just shrug it off for tomorrow can't possibly get weirder.

[ Day 2: Selenes' Wrathful Day ]

I had to deal with cleaning up after Finny, Baldroy, and Mey-Rin which for some reason made me annoyed. After working I walked outside ignoring Pluto as I started to yell angrily shooting fire like a flame thrower anywhere and everywhere. Pluto watched nervous and confused as I finally stopped leaving a ring around me with burnt grass marks. I put on a smile as I walked back into the mansion to continue to work for the day. 

I kept feeling a little light-headed after I'd do some kind of work. Elizabeth wanting to stay for a while didn't help since I had to deal with her energy which felt even more draining than usual. I don't understand what is going on with me. I tried to have some alone time with Pluto, but for some reason I felt like I shouldn't tell him about how I've been acting except that I'm sorry when sometimes I come off as cold.

I worked on helping clean the manner and I felt as Elizabeth took up my time up to when she finally left. Pluto followed me when I was going to the dinning room where I had picked up the dishes to take to the kitchen after lunch was served. He asked if I was okay when I found myself feeling a little light headed. I smiled at him and said that I think I was, but to be honest I'm not shore. But as I tried to walk away with the tower of dishes I felt him hold my waist holding me from walking forward. He said

" Hey, let me help take some of those for you. " I let him take half of them as we walked to the kitchen. I kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for the help. He smirked at me then once we were done and I was going to head with him outside to help Finny. I felt him nuzzle my face as he licked my chin as he grasped onto my shoulders as he leaned into me. I started to laugh as I tried to push him away. 

Then I helped Finny once I finally got him to get off of me. I worked the rest of the day and after dinner it was night when I walked into the garden to head to the dog house for the rest of the night.

[ Pluto P.O.V ]

We were in the dog house and we were getting ready to lay down. But then I looked at Selene who was saying looking down nervously.

 " Pluto?.." I responded looking at her " Hm? " she glanced at me for a second before returning her gaze down at her hands. I noticed her hands holding each other as her face was getting reder and reder.

" I um...I think...I might be.." I tilted my head at her and sat in front of her then when she glanced at me I noticed her face deepen as she averted my eyes. Then she said putting her left hand on the side of my face.

" help you something? " I leaned into her hand and then she slowly pulled my head down to where she held my face and made it be to where my ear against her stomach. It was weird because I have no clue why or what this was about. Then she said " Listen... I think that I'm.." then I froze once I second small faster heart beat started to make my eyes widened as I started to move deeper to make shore I'm not just hearing things. 

[ Selene P.O.V ]

As he started to move I waited nervously for him to say something..... anything. Then he broke the silence

" Selene?...are you?.." I felt my heart start to beat faster as I asked really wanting to figure out what he is saying " I what? " A part of me thinks it knows what it is, but can't be shore. Then as he sat up in front of me he looked at me holding a weak smile 

" I're pregnant. " I felt myself start to well up with happiness as I asked smiling " Really?! " he nodded and then I started to laugh as I started to cry. He hugged me as I started to feel myself having a hard time stop crying tears of joy as my face started to hurt from smiling. Then he asked 

" Did you know? Is that why you wanted me to put my ear to your stomach? " I then said trying to hold back my laughter

" I've been feeling off lately. I thought, it would explain it, but I wasn't shore and didn't want to give my hopes up. I thought, it be the only way to tell. I didn't tell you because....I also didn't want to give your hopes up either. " I gripped onto him tightly as I leaned my head against his. He started to hold me tight as well as he said the words I couldn't imagine I'd hear or let myself think

" We're going to have a baby. " that made me smile as I never thought those words could make me this happy. I held my arms around his neck as I dug my head into him and said as the tears finally stopped 

" Yeah! " I could feel him smiling into my back but then he started to pull back from the hug still holding onto my sides. I moved back still holding onto his shoulders. He was panting a little with his big goofy grin he then said after he proceeded to lick me from the neck up.

" We are going to be parents! And you're going to be a great mom. " I felt my face blush as I smiled softly as looked down thinking about it. Then I started to nuzzle his neck and under his chin saying as I started to just rest my head there

" Well, I'm glad you're going to be with me through raising are kid. " I've never felt so happy before. I feel absolutely at peace with Pluto, but something I could never of hoped for. I didn't really know what I'm hoping for, a boy? or a girl? But I know that I will probably need a long time before I'm going to work again. 

I then felt him look down at me and then he said " Me too, I'll do my best to help out. I'm going to make shore no one is going to hurt you or the baby. " I felt him hold me tighter and when I moved to look up he placed a kiss on my lips. I smirked against him then I grasped onto his arms. I stopped kissing him after what felt like an hour and then I found myself falling asleep in his arms as I felt so calm. 

[ Pluto P.O.V ]

I'm so happy, but it hit me how I'm seeing Selene in this different way. Seeing her as not just her but as my love who is now going to carry child. Then as I lifted my head and looked up I realized that I can't be all free spirited anymore. I have to think about her and their well-being. I felt myself tighten my hold on her as I thought about if something comes up like a fight or another person comes along. If I know Selene, I know that she'll do whatever she can to help others and me even if it puts herself in danger. As I looked down at her I looked at her calm and beautiful pale face. I couldn't help but have my nerves at ease but at the same time I never felt more worried for her. 

I felt myself start to make myself a promise: that I'd be the one to keep her and this baby safe no matter what. And with that I felt her dug her head against me as I rested my head down on top of her head as I joined her off to sleep. 

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