(For the record do not own any of these pictures nor Black Butler, and I do not own these characters except my'n. )In Houndsworth, the towns people said that there was two dogs that were there. The good white dog, and the bad black dog. Before Cie...
As we stood at guard I knew Sebastian was going to hold his attention on moving the master to safety, so that meant we had to stay safe and fight to help as much as we can.
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I felt the ones I would have to deal with best was the triplets, since they were ones I'd have to keep an eye on. At the end of this I'm going to pride the truth out of Sebastian before I go through with keeping anything away from the master. I also want to know more before following his lead. I looked at Pluto and he waited till I made my move before following. I saw the triplets had their own weapons. One had a axe, crossbow, and a ladder. Their red eyes peered at me as I approached. During the fight they attack quite swiftly and almost managed to behead me at one point. I broke the ladder in half which I could do once I heated up the metal quickly.
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I smelt everyone of these servants were smelling similar to Sebastian. It would explain why they are so skilled and why Alois has room to be cocky.
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However they are defeated after I had noticed Sebastian was able to get away with the master. I had Pluto follow them as I kept the triplets disorganized as I swapped each of their weapons with the others. I then fled and once I made it with the others. Sebastian makes a remark
"That time you were just like a doll" and that having him inside a suitcase would make him easier to transport to the master's confusion and annoyance. I felt myself grow wiry as I started to piece any scene of this. Is he talking about before? I thought the master finally had his revenge and he was going to have Sebastian eat his soul.