Chapter 18: Escaping a Hard Reality

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The guard who is in charge of torturing us was very eager to get started. Before we came down here he was told that I couldn't speak. This meant it didn't matter If I did talk. As long as Sebastian remains quiet it wouldn't change the states. He tore Sebastian's shirt off revealing his chest as the man said 

" Pretty " Randell told Sebastian to admit to his crimes. He smiled and started admitting to a crime of black death over five hundred years ago. Randell told the man to give him as much torture as he pleased. Before leaving Randell told the man once I was willing to confess to give me something to write on and with. Then the man placed some weapons and tools on the floor. 

" Goody, If you confess I don't get to have my fun you see. " To my surprise Sebastian asked " You don't intend to give her a way to write down her confession are you? " He smiled and said " Like I said If you confess I can't torture the pretty thing now can I " My eyes widened slightly as the man approached me. My wrists holding my arms above me. He went close to my face as he said slightly drooling

" Look at those perfect eyes! Should I poke them do you think? Or should I just cut them out of your pretty head? " He wiped his mouth as I kept a calm expression. As he said " No save the best for last. " He then walked over to grab a tool and said approaching Sebastian 

" How about at first we hear a nice scream " I didn't look away from what he did. The moment I look away is only going to make things worse from when it's my turn that comes. I lifted my head when I herd boots coming. Once the cell door opened and then closed someone came forward as the man was drunk and fast asleep. I had been tortured less brutally in comparison to Sebastian. He merely tour my outfit a bit some revealing my chest. I noticed the dim light allowed me to have my eyes fixate on the person in front of us. My eyes widened as I concluded the voice matched the figure.

 My eyes widened as I concluded the voice matched the figure

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" You too make quite the picture. So this how far you'll go to be loyal to the master who put you two here? " I glared at Angela Blanc who looked like she was  in different clothes but her cruelness shined through it. Sebastian was the one who had cuts and bruises on his chest and face. He held a smile as he said 

" Between me and my master such as the nature of are contract

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" Between me and my master such as the nature of are contract. " She moved her right arm up and down creating a lashing sound on the ground. It made it clear that she had a whip but it was so dark that I couldn't see it well enough. I waited for her to make her next move. She moved closer and raised Sebastian's chin with her handle as she said

The Black Dog( Black Butler fanfic) ( Pluto x Demon Hound )Where stories live. Discover now