Chapter 9

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                                    *5 days later*

Michelle and Anna have been working hard on the wedding plans going shopping occasionally with Kylie since she was also a part of the wedding they talked and catched up on each other's lives and guys.

The guys were now being released after a successful battle against the brits. Lafayette walked home with a sprained arm. John came back stitched in his leg. Hercules and Alex were okay.

Lafayette walked into the house. He knew someone was home, with the fire being alive and the teapot above it. He walked down the hallway and opened the door seeing the love of his life sleeping, bless her soul. He climbed into bed after undressing enough for bed. He hopped in and fell asleep cuddling next to Michelle.

Tatiana opened the door and ran out of the house and ran and launched herself onto John hugging him tightly while crying.

"You came home,"She cried.

"You are my home, I'd do anything to stay alive for you,"John whispered while crying too, he hugged her back tightly. They let go and kissed and walked into the house and John told Tatiana everything about what happened and showed the stitches on his leg due to being shot.

" John be more careful next time please,"Tatiana said, shaking her head.

"I promise I will,"He kissed her hand and her cheek they both smiled.

Kylie waited impatiently nervous that Alex hadn't returned home. Until she heard a knock at the door, she rushed towards the door opening it. Her smile became a frown.

"Why so sad sis?,"Maria looked down with a black eye.

"Maria who did this to you,"Kylie asked concerned bringing her inside the home and shutting the door forgetting to lock it.

"James, he... he hit me...,"Maria broke down sobbing. Kylie knew there was something wrong with that man. She knew she had to stay strong for her sister, she was always empathetic about people.

"Maria... stay home with me,"Kylie begged.

"He'll come for me, I'm his wife,"Maria sobbed.

"I don't care if he has to go through me before he lays hands or even looks at you again,"Kylie said sternly. There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it, you stay right here,"Kylie got up walking to the door and opening it.

" Alex,"Kylie whispered. He smiled and hugged her tightly.

" I thought you were gone,"She hugged him back.

"I'm too stubborn to do that,"Alex chuckled.

"There's someone I want you to meet,"Kylie pulled Alex to the living room.

"This is my oldest sister Maria, Maria this is Alex my courter,"Kylie smiled and walked away to make some food.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton,"Alex raises his hand to Maria. Maria took it and shook his hand.

"Maria Reynolds,"She smiled.

"How have you treat my baby sister and how long have you know her?,"Madria pried with questions.

"Well we met at the winters ball of 1780, I've known her for about a year now, and I think I'm in love with her,"Alex blushed happily.

"I like you, you're a very lucky man Alex, I think she picked a good attractive honorable man,"Maria said.

"Thank you,"Alex said. They both paused and waited for Kylie to return. He looked at Maria and saw the resemblance between Kylie and her.

Kylie walked back with tea in one hand and some food in the other.

"Maria, promise at least to stay for a couple days,"Kylie said.

"I can't he'd be mad at me, I can't risk it,"Maria looked down remembering her husband's hands on her and not in a good way.

"Fine, but please be careful, I don't like seeing you get hurt,"Kylie pleaded. Maria nodded in agreement and got up and left. Kylie sighed.

"What happened to her?,"Alex asked.

"Her husband James, I always had a bad feeling about him, I warned her and she never listened, he's abusing her Alex,"Kylie cried.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help, I hope and pray things will get better for her soon,"Alex said, holding her hands. They ate and talked more about what happened in the past few days, eventually Alex picked up Kylie and took her to bed. Alex cuddled right next to Kylie and they both fell asleep into the night.

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