Chapter 23 (Push it Finale)

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*6 Months Later*

Kylie waddled to the carriage, and embraced Tatiana and Michelle into a hug. They all smiled, John was putting the luggage in the carriage.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Michelle sighed.

"I know, but I promise I'll be back before both of our babies pop," Tatiana smiled.

"I don't know how y'all both managed to get pregnant at the same time," Kylie chuckled, rubbing her stomach.

"Yeah, we've only been pregnant for a month," Michelle shrugged.

"Yeah this is your second rodeo, and I'm about the finish my first," Kylie smiled.

"Yeah good luck there kiddo," Tatiana grinned.

"I'm not a kid anymore, I'm a year younger than the both of you," Kylie pouted.

"You're acting like one," Michelle smiled.

"Shut up Jefferson," Kylie stuck her tongue out.

"Whatever Marie," Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Be safe Washington," Kylie nudged Tati's arm.

"Of course Hamilton," Tatiana nodded her head.

"See ya later Lafayette," Tatiana saluted Michelle.

"Bye Laurens," Michelle hugged her one last time. Kylie and Michelle watched their friend walk inside the carriage with her husband and daughter. They waved until they could no longer see each other. Alex came behind Kylie and put his hands on both her shoulders and rubbed them softly.

"Maria should be over soon,"Kylie turned around and took both of Alex's hands into her's.

"Okay let's get going," Alex smiled.

"It's always been a pleasure Laf," Alex smiled.

"Same with you Hamilton," Laf bowed and walked away with his wife and kids. Alex and Kylie walked home and started a fire in the fireplace. Maria knocked on the door, Kylie waddled and got the door.

"Hi," Kylie smiled and hugged her Older sister.

"I missed you so much," Maria sighed.

"You always say that, but it never gets old," Kylie grinned and let go, she shut the door and locked it, taking her sister to the living room.

"Alex must've went to his office, the man won't stop working," Kylie sat down on the sofa.

"Oh really, and is he taking good care of you?," Maria sat by her sister.

"Of course he is," Kylie nudged Maria's arm.

"Good, at least one of us is being treated well," Maria smiled sadly, Kylie gave the same expression back. She got up and felt the pain. It was a strong sharp pain.

"Oh shit," Kylie bent over and held onto her stomach and put one hand on the arm of the sofa. Maria stood up quick and rushed over to her sister.

"Kylie," Maria helped her.

" The baby is definitely coming, and they're coming in strong,"Kylie began to deep breathe.

"ALEXANDER," Maria yelled out, Alex came rushing out of his office nearly tripping on the floor board.

"Kylie," He came over and took her to the bedroom with Maria right behind them.

"Alexander go get the doctor and midwife," Maria took Kylie, Alex nodded and ran.

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