Chapter 27 (Ophan Goals)

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          Michelle decided to go out to the market to get more food and necessities for her family. She walks into a bakery and can't help but to eavesdrop on a conversation about Lafayette.

"Did you hear that Lafayette has returned?" A Random girl mentioned this to her friend.

"Yes, apparently he has grown a family in the U.S. and has brought them here with him," Second random girl.

"Is he asking for more of his family to die, first his father, then his mother and grandfather, became an orphan at such a young age," The random girl shook her head in disbelief.

"Is that all Miss?" the baker asked. Michelle slowly turned her head at the baker.

"Excuse me," Michelle looked confused.

"You're bread ma'am is that it?" the baker repeated himself.

"Oh yes, I apologize," Michelle smiled at him. He nodded at her and grabbed the loaves of bread and handed it down to her. Michelle paid for the loaves and left in a hurry.

"Was that woman alright?" the baker asked as he watched Michelle speed walk out in the streets.

"She looked oddly familiar, she seemed fine to me," the random girl answered going back to her daily gossip.

"Mama," Philip yelled, getting on the bed and jumping on it, Alex groaned.

"Honey go to sleep," Kylie said with her eyes closed.

"But Mama, Aunt Tati is here," Philip laid in between his parents, Kylie sighed and held her son close.

"Mmm fine, Get up my boys, it's time to start a new day," Kylie kissed Philip's forehead and got up.

"Philip get your father up for me will you," Kylie said and walked downstairs and opened the door.

"If it isn't Laurens and Tati," Kylie Smiled tiredly.

"I'm sorry we came without any notice, but I was wondering if you could watch the kids while we went out and prepared for my parents to come up from Virginia," Tatiana smiled kindly at her friend.

"Washington is coming up?" Kylie leaned her head.

"Did someone say Washington?!," Hamilton quickly came stumbling downstairs. Kylie, John, and Tatiana's eyes widened as they watched Alex come down frantically.

"Hey John, Mrs.Laurens," Alex kissed Tati's hand and bro hugged John.

"Aye watch it Hamilton," John whispered into Alex's ear.

"Kinky," Alex replied and winked and walked away. Kylie and Tatiana watched with much concern.

"Mama, can I go in now," Layla looked up.

"Of course you can, Philip is upstairs," Kylie replied and winked at Tatiana.

"Hey that's my baby girl," John glared at Kylie.

"And that's my son," Kylie looked blankly at John as she took Max into her arms.

"I'll take good care of them don't worry," Kylie waved them goodbye as they left.

"MARIE JOSEPH PAUL Y-," Michelle began to yell while entering their home. Lafayette ran over with wide eyes and covered her mouth. Michelle slapped his hand away.

"You have some shit to explain," Michelle glared at him.

"SHIT," Alice yelled. Jefferson, Lafayette, and Michelle eyes go wide.

"No honey Mommy said chip, as in chocolate chips, you misheard me," Michelle panicked.

"Oh okay,"Alice skipped away as Thomas followed.

"I just learned from two random girls, that you've been hiding your past from me," Michelle raised her voice.

"You're going to believe two strangers, what did they say then?," Lafayette crossed his arms.

"I learned that you've been lying to me, your father, dead, mother, dead, and Grandfather dead, you became an orphan at a young age," Michelle sat down on the love seat.

"That's not- okay let me explain." Lafayette sat down.

"So is that why none of your family members have written you letters?" Michelle questioned him.

"Yes, I didn't want you to know, I-," Lafayette sat down.

" My parents are dead, there is nothing to be ashamed of Laf," She patted his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you sooner I just wanted our kids to feel like they had more family," Laf looked down.

"They do, they have John, Alexander, Mulligan, Tatiana, Kylie, they have cousins, Philip, Layla, and Max," Michelle said and took a long sip of tea.

"You're right," Lafayette sighed.

"I know," Michelle chuckled and took another sip of tea posh like. Lafayette shook his head.

"Of course, all the time," Lafayette smiled. 

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