In the Cross-Fires of Loyalty

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           "I tell you, Esme, he's really something else. I mean fuck's sake I've seen Jewish gangsters before but Alfie Solomons." Kate let out a low whistle. "I'd have to have an army behind me if I ever wanted to cross him. Knocked a man out cold with one blow. I mean Jesus Christ, that has to be some sort of talent of his."

Back in Birmingham, Kate was at the betting shop, alone with John's wife who she got along well with. She was in the kitchen with the curtain open so she could talk to Esme while making something quick to eat for lunch.

That's when she heard the door open and suddenly, she realized Esme was focused on something else.

"Es?" Kate walked out to see a well-dressed woman walking inside. The room suddenly became tense as the woman appeared out of her element and Esme was on guard. "Don't think we've met." She tried to break the discomfort in the air.

"May Carleton." The woman greeted in a posh accent. "I have an appointment with Mr. Shelby."

Kate subtly glanced at Esme who shook her head. "Here? He's got an office, I mean. And it's a lot nicer than this place."

"Oh, yes, I asked for this address. He said he ran a gambling den and I-" May looked a little pink in the face. "I wanted to see one but I see now I'm early and I don't know how to behave."

"Well, it helps if you can hold your ground. Men 'round here are a bit aggressive when it comes to placing bets." Kate smiled and sat down.

Esme still seemed suspicious of the wealthy looking woman but curious all the same. "What do you do, then?" She went back to her daily tasks about the shop.

"Oh, I'm going to train Tommy's horse for Epsom," May answered as she took a look around the place.

Kate sat down with her snack. "So that's why he was asking if I knew anything about horses." She realized. "He got himself a horse and someone to train it."

"You know horses?" May wondered.

"No, Esme does."

John's wife smiled and nodded. "Most gypsy girls do. We're born riding horses."

"There's a fucking great Riley parked out there and nobody's watching it!" John entered the shop loudly, as he usually did.

"That's a nice car." Kate gave May an impressed look. Apparently, her wealth wasn't limited to just clothing.

"John," Esme stepped in before he made any plans on nicking the car while its owner was in the room.

"Hey!" Kate smacked his hand away as he tried to snatch her lunch instead. "Fuck off and go find Tommy, Miss Carleton here is looking for him."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Tommy entered the shop through the kitchen. "Sorry I'm late. Take a look around?" He wondered.

"Because there's just so much to see," Kate mumbled. She couldn't blame anyone for the monotonous surroundings. Small Heath wasn't much to look at. Neither was London but at least Alfie Solomons kept Kate on her toes. Returning to Birmingham was like settling into a tepid bath. It was familiar but the same old thing. It didn't help that she was back to the place where Santo knew she was.

Tommy ignored the comment. "So, you've come to get my girl, aye?"

"Yes." May seemed a bit glad to get out of the betting shop.

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