The Last Crescendo

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//I honestly couldn't believe it when I realized this was my 50th chapter of RW and I've only just ended Season 4. I'm not really sure where I'm going to go from here. Probably won't be too true to Season 5 just because it's so tedious in parts. But we'll see. I'm still cooking up ideas for a new Alfie fic which I desperately need. As always thanks to everyone who reads/likes/comments. It means the world to me. 

            Kate woke up to find the bed empty beside her. It was early, she'd been anxious to be on time. She knew Tommy wouldn't wake her up in hopes that she would sleep through the planned event.

But she was up and dressed before she usually was. The flat was just as empty as the bed. Kate slipped on her coat and went down the street to the distillery. Several of the men on watch tipped their cap her way.

Finn was waiting for her at the top of the stairs. He looked conflicted when she approached. "Tommy said not to let you come." He stood between her and the stairs.

Kate narrowed her eyes at him. "Well, that's not his choice to make, now, is it?"

"The youngest Shelby didn't look like he wanted to get caught up in the argument, but also didn't want to catch flak from his brother. "It'd just be easier..."

"We're not living in easy times." She interrupted. "I've heard Tommy's side and I've made up my mind." She concluded before pushing past Finn and making her way downstairs.

Only Tommy was there, standing near a table with two chairs. He held a bottle of gin in his hand.

"You never explained the label to me," Kate spoke up to alert him of her presence.

He turned although he didn't seem too surprised that she had shown up. "What needs explaining?"

She walked up to him and took the bottle from his hand. "Distilled for the eradication of seemingly incurable sadness." She read off, having noticed it earlier when they were talking to Alfie.

"Polly said that when you were in America, I nearly drank meself to death." He answered calmly. "That and with the morphine, it was the only way I could tolerate being without you. I could sleep, I could ease myself of the guilt, and I could forget. But I'd much rather have you here." He cradled her cheek in his hand. "So, go back home and wait for me."

"I'll be right here. For the rest of your life, I'll be here." She kissed him softly, refusing to go anywhere.


Kate hadn't seen Luca Changretta in years. His name had been haunting her for so long that she nearly forgot how long it'd been since they'd been face to face. He'd grown into a menacing figure, something she always knew he would be. The kind of fierce stature he was destined to become under the guidance of some of the most ruthless dons America had ever seen.

Luca's eyes landed on her as he stopped in front of her, Polly, Tommy, and Finn. But he didn't speak to her. Instead, he beckoned one of his men to bring over a handful of documents, spread across the table.

"I've had my lawyers draw up these. Documents for everything you own. And you're gonna sign them all over to my family. Or you're gonna die." Standing in front of Tommy, Luca looked back to Kate. "I would've buried your whole family. Y'know, my mother knows you." Luca said steadily. "She told me how to hurt you. How to really make you suffer. 'Take everything from him, then make him watch Kathleen Lynch die."

Tommy didn't flinch. He simply maintained eye contact with the man. Kate didn't budge either.

"Because she's worse than you are, in some ways." Luca continued. "She murdered two people who were loyal to me and my family. Killed them in cold blood for no reason. You and I, we kill to gain something, don't we? But her? She just doesn't care, does she? I've got the Leoni family asking me to right her wrongs. Take care of her so she doesn't do any more harm. So, I will. And you'll watch and live with the knowledge that you were her downfall."

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