The Lies Never Spoken

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            Tommy stepped into his study to find Alfie standing by the window in a wide-brimmed hat.

"Good morning, Alfie." He made a beeline to the liquor cart.

The man didn't turn around as he answered. "Yeah it is. Nice little place you got here, Thomas." He remarked and turned around, relying on his cane to walk over. "Pleasant staff, s'well. Concerned 'bout you, they are, said you're not supposed to drink. What did your housekeeper say? That your head is like some smashed vase that's been stuck back together by a horse. That right?"

Tommy didn't say anything as he poured himself a glass of whiskey and went to sit down.

"So why'm I here, aye? Which problem of yours do you want me to come in and wave me magic wand for? 'Cause word 'round London is you've got a lot of fucking problems, mate. Lot of fucking problems. And as much as I know you enjoy me company, I can bet a lot of money that this visit wasn't just to say hello." Alfie sat down as well.

"You're correct." Tommy needed Alfie's help, in order to secure that, he knew he needed to appeal to the man. This wasn't the time for their famous face-offs with guns and threats.

"You've lost control, haven't you, hm?" He rested his hands on the top of his cane, his rings on full display. "'Bout time innit? You've been hanging on to a thread for quite some time, haven't you?"

Tommy downed his whiskey and set the crystal glass on his desk. "I've got control, Alfie, you don't have to worry about that."

"That right?" Alfie raised an eyebrow in skepticism. "Tell me then, oh wise one, d'you even know if she's still alive?"

Somehow, the information about Kate had been passed to Alfie. Tommy couldn't exactly remember how; his memory was still spotty. He couldn't remember if he had sent a telegram before the injury, or he'd told Ada to send word. It didn't matter. He pulled out a piece of paper from inside his jacket pocket. Notes he'd gotten from one of his men in America. "Twenty-six Prince Street, Boston, Massachusetts. It's a four-story brick townhouse across from a church and a park. She takes a walk every morning around seven down the street to the docks. She leaves right before he leaves for work."

Alfie narrowed his eyes. It was some relief to hear Kate was still alive, but that didn't mean she was safe. "Yeah? Think you're smart with that little information, aye? What do you plan on doing 'bout it?"

"You help me with business here and the second it's done; I'll go over to America. When Kate's on her walk, I'll kill him for invading my territory, putting his hands on a woman, and threatening my life and the lives of my family. It's up to Kate whether she wants to come back or not."

Alfie leaned back, flexing his fingers with a dissatisfied look. "By a thread, Tommy, you're hanging on by a thread. Can see it in your eyes. But, since I'm such a giving fellow, I'll help you out with whatever madness you can cook up. You ain't the only one who wants that fucker dead."

The corner of Tommy's lips turned up a bit. "Very well. Let's bring in the rest of the troops."


Kate didn't mind the wind. She didn't mind the chilling sting it whipped across her cheeks. She didn't mind her hair getting mussed up. She didn't mind because the wind came from the ocean. It carried the salt-scent through the air and made her feel alive again. It reminded her of the times her mother took her to Revere Beach in the summer. The water was brutally cold pretty much year-round. But that never stopped her from wading along the shoreline, gathering shells or hermit crabs.

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