Those Who Confess

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            Kate was already furious. Even before she heard that Billy Kitchen had been murdered and Arthur had been locked up. She was angry with Alfie, angry with Tommy, with May, everyone who didn't seem to be taking things seriously. Once she did get back to Birmingham and heard the news, she got even more worked up.

When Tommy entered the office, she flew into a rage. "You fucking-I should've known, I should've listened to my gut and told you to fuck off!" She stormed towards him while pointing a threatening finger at him. "You sent me to London to do something you already knew would happen. I can't believe your nerve!"


"Don't even try to defend yourself. You can't, your plan failed and you should be ashamed of yourself. I tried to warn you, to get to Arthur in time. But you were off fucking that horse trainer!"

"Oi!" Tommy cut her off from shouting at him. "Listen, because there are very specific things in place."

"That's what you said before. This big scheme of yours-"

He interrupted again. "Listen!" He snapped and glared at her. "Listen to me. It's crucial everything goes to plan. You listen to me and everything will be fine."

"I'm so sick of listening to you, I'm so sick of it!" She pushed his chest so he could be forced to move away from her. "Your brother is in jail because of you and you act like it's some master plan."

"Because it is!" He rose his voice again to speak over her. "We're going back to London to speak with Alfie."

"Oh, fuck off!" She spat and tried to side-step him so she could leave the office. She was through listening to his insane demands. All this time she'd thought he was so clever but maybe she'd been fooled the entire time. Maybe he really was just crazy.

He grabbed her upper arm to stop her. "Alfie made a deal with the Italians. That was in the plan. To have Arthur arrested and Alfie will get him released. Sabini will be none the wiser. Come Derby day, everything will be in place."

Kate gritted her teeth. She wasn't sure if he was just trying to cover his ass or he was really in control of everything. "I swear, Tommy, one of these days you'll find someone who won't bow to you and ruin everything in for you."

"But not today." He nodded slightly. "Not yet."

She pulled her arm from his grip and went to sit down by his desk. "So, what have you got in store for me? I would like to know before you spring it on me."

"Drink?" Tommy offered before he even tried to answer her question.

"It's six in the morning."

He blinked at her and shrugged.

"Fine. Just gin." She relented. It would be easier to listen to him if she had a drink in her. Besides she was already sick to her stomach.

Tommy poured their drinks and got settled behind his desk. "I'm going to kill a man, at the derby today."

Kate took a sip. "If you're waiting for me to be surprised, I'm not. Keep going."

"I've given a letter to Ada to send should I be killed. It exonerates you and anyone else involved."

"Why are you risking your life?"

For a moment the question lingered in the open air before Tommy cleared his throat. "My hands are tied."

"By who?"

Roguish Women- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now