Carried Guilt

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            Birmingham got a taste of luxury once the Shelbys started to really bring in money. People around Small Heath started to become familiar with the sight of a three-piece suit and expensive cars.

Still, heads turned when Alice Diamond stepped out of her car and walked into the factory. She didn't attempt to hide her wealth. She'd grown up poor and lived the part for many years. Now, it was her turn to receive what she felt she deserved. And if she wanted to flaunt it, she would.

She wore an embroidered silk coat that was lined with fur on the cuffs and neck. Where she managed to get silk was anyone's guess. She wore a matching cloche hat in a stunning royal blue with a couple of exotic feathers tucked in the band. Her heels couldn't be heard over the loud noise until she made her way up the stairs to the offices. The diamond on her finger glinted when she removed her coat, revealing a fashionable wrap dress. Aside from her display of wealth, she also stood inches over the men she passed and her naturally tall height was only enhanced by her heels. A true fuck-you to the notion that women were supposed to be tiny little things, Alice never neglected to wear heels. She didn't care if she was taller than other men. In fact, she welcomed it.

"Miss Diamond." Kate smiled. She stood beside Tommy near the stairs to greet their guests. Because while Alice Diamond turned heads, her counterpart was a bit more subdued. Maggie Hill, born into a criminal family, she was certainly tougher and favored respect over jewels.

"Please, call me Alice." She fanned herself. "It's warm in here."

"It'll be cooler in me office; I have a fan going," Tommy assured her.

"You must be Kate." Alice pointedly ignored Tommy and shook Kate's hand first.

"I'm glad we could meet." Kate shook her hand.

"This is my associate, Maggie Hill."

"You're Billy Hill's sister," Tommy remarked. Kate had made sure that there had been no prior run-ins with the Elephant and Castle gang or anything that might derail the negotiations. But he knew Billy's gang was on the decline, so he set his sights for bigger players like Sabini and Alfie.

The woman who stood as Alice's shadow looked Tommy up and down. "You shot Billy Kimber." Responding in such a way that was very common to Tommy and Kate. Never really answering questions, instead only replying with another question.

It was interesting to know that despite the years that had passed, somethings could never escape Tommy's repertoire. Never mind that he created an empire, some people only saw him for the people he'd taken down. Not that he minded much, it was good people didn't forget who he was.

Maggie scrutinized him. "I thought you'd be bigger, the way people talk 'bout you."

"We all like to have a bit of myth about ourselves, don't we?" Kate smiled. "Tommy's office is just this way." She led the women to the office.

Tommy shut the door behind them as they got settled.

"Alfie had a lot of good things to say about you, Kate," Alice said. "I don't think I've ever heard him say a nice thing about anyone."

She laughed as she sat down beside Tommy's chair, waiting for him to sit as well. "Alfie's become a dear friend."

"Well, any friend of Alfie is a friend of ours." Alice crossed her ankles and rested her hands on her knees.

As Tommy was sitting, he noticed the pear-shaped ruby gemstone dangling from Alice's necklace. "That's quite the stone." He remarked, pointing to it. "Did you steal that from Liberty's on Regent Street? I hear they have very nice things."

Roguish Women- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now