The Color of the Dresses You've Worn

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            "Well, you can put your trust into Alfie," Kate said as she stepped off the boat.

Tommy took her hand to help her down. "I think you put too much trust into him. But I'm glad you think he'll see us through this."

"When Luca showed up, he hid me."

Tommy's face changed noticeably. He thought for certain that he had timed everything correctly. That his aunt had nothing to worry about because Kate would come back completely unharmed and not even close to where Luca was. Well, she looked unharmed but it drove a knife into Tommy's stomach knowing she was that close to their enemy.

Kate noticed his look. "It's okay." She said gently. "I know you didn't plan this and we should just be grateful that nothing happened. Alfie stepped up and made sure I was safe. That's why I'm saying you can trust him." She touched his cheek and gave him a small smile. "It was scary but all in all I think it was worth it."

He let out a deep sigh. "You're strangely calm about this." He replied with a grimace.

"Because you and Michael both had run-ins with Luca. I wasn't even in the same room as him. So, I think in the grand scheme of things, I was safer." She took his hand. "Now, c'mon, I'm hungry."


Tommy brought her home and sat down at the table while she had free reign of the kitchen. He pulled out a cigarette to light. "Why don't you have one of the girls come in and make you something?" He offered.

"I've been in a boat for days; I'd rather be on my feet." She replied, scouring the pantry. "I'm not giant yet, although Alfie seemed to be able to tell I was pregnant even if I'm not showing."

It was as if she had come back to tell him everything he didn't want to hear. "For fuck's sake. How did he know?"

"Relax. I told you, we can trust him."

He just shook his head and took a few drags from his cigarette to calm his nerves. His eyes were staring at the wall, slipping off into a daze as he was lost in his own thoughts.

Kate came over and set down her lunch, interrupting him. "I was thinking about the things we could do once this is all over. I think it would be a good idea for you to take a little break."

"I'll take a break when the twins arrive." He reminded her. "I have plans to get in the works."

She looked disgruntled. "Tom, can we agree that these long-winded plans get you into tricky situations like the one we're in now?"

He nodded absent-mindedly. Of course, how could he deny that? But what else could he do? "Things will get better."

It sounded like something he had told her before. Maybe after Black Star Day or after the Derby. She wanted to trust him, wanted to trust his judgment, but she had a hard time trusting the rest of the world. It was common knowledge that her fiancée thought that the world would bend to his will if he was smart enough and had a good enough strategy. Yet no matter how many times Kate reminded him, he seemed to forget the world was untamable. He was aware it was unforgiving, but he'd survived death so many times. Maybe he thought death wouldn't come to him unless he accepted it.

"What are you planning?" She asked cautiously.

"There are parliament elections..."

"Wait, wait, wait." She stopped him before he could go on. "Tommy, honestly, be reasonable."

"I am." He tapped some ash off his cigarette.

Roguish Women- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now