Nothing Given

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//I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who votes and comments. It really makes my day when I read everyone's reactions to things. I appreciate it so much and I hope you continue to enjoy updates!

When the devil catches up to you, what do you do? Do you fight? Or do you admit defeat?

Normally, it would be fairly easy to get Tommy out of jail, especially if it was a minor offense like breaching the peace. The Shelbys had enough pull in that sector. But it didn't help his case that he punched one of the officers so hard that it burst a blood vessel in his eye. Still, they managed to get him released before dark the same day. Even by that time, he was still raging.

"That bastard knew we were coming." He ranted as he stormed through the betting shop.

Polly was standing in the doorway of her office, arms crossed over her chest. "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Thomas."

He stopped to glare at her. "What was that?"

She pointed to his office. "She left a letter for you. I found it after you left."

Tommy almost hesitated to go read it. He was worried what it might say. Still, he didn't have much of a choice, so he went into his office, taking off his coat and cap as he went. As Polly said, there was an envelope sitting on his desk, addressed to him. The envelope was the same type as the ones they used in the office. Maybe she had swiped one when she was passing through. The past couple of years, Tommy had grown to recognize her handwriting. Just like he recognized the scent of her perfume, her laugh, and even the sound of her heels walking down the hallway. But he was completely unaware that he had been cataloging all these little tells. No idea that she had made such a deep impression on him. Well, he didn't know until she was gone.

Bracing himself, he sat down at his desk and lit a cigarette. He opened the envelope and removed the folded parchment paper.

Dear Tommy,

By now you'll know I've left and I don't intend on coming back. I'm sorry it had to happen this way, but I wanted you to know that you did everything you could. In the end, this is just the way it has to be. I don't feel I have enough time to tell you everything I want to tell you. I blame myself for that. Maybe if I had been more honest, I wouldn't feel like I was leaving loose ends. But that's my burden I have to carry, not yours.

There are a lot of explanations as to why I did what I did. When the devil catches up to you, what do you do? Do you fight? Or do you admit defeat? When Santo threatened you and your family, I made up my mind. I'm not a martyr, I'm the one who brought this trouble to you in the first place. It's my responsibility to take care of it. So that's what I'm doing now. I don't want you at war with Santo or the Changrettas. Your family has had enough heartache as it is. To start a battle with them would only bring more grief.

I obviously can't control you, but I would urge you to just leave it be. Don't try to find me in America and don't try to cause anymore trouble with the Italians. Just leave it be.

Please know that I've left my heart with you. I know I won't ever love anyone the way I've loved you.

Please give everyone my love, including the boys in Camden Town.



Tommy was heartbroken. Heartbroken and furious. It was a strikingly same feeling to when Grace admitted she wasn't pregnant. Betrayed was too weak of a word. But was it that simple? His eyes scanned the letter again. She had done it to protect him and his family. Why wasn't he enough? Why couldn't she trust that he would take care of her? Maybe he hadn't proved it well enough to her. Maybe she saw how Grace collapsed in that ballroom, blood pouring from her wound, and thought she would be the next victim if she stayed.

Roguish Women- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now