Praying For Love

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Kinda smut, but not quite?


Brendon stood nervously watching the dancers walk passed him. Finally, one stopped to assist him. She was barely clothed, but he didn't expect them to be covering a lot. She was actually really pretty, she just wasn't... Brendon's type.

"You lost, sweetie?" Brendon blushed and shook his head.

"I uh. I wanna... I heard you have... guys that..." He motioned around the room at the employees and cleared his throat. "Do... things h-here," Brendon stuttered as he felt his face heat up.

"First time?" The lady gave a wide smile when Brendon nodded. "What would you like for your first experience?" Brendon was having trouble keeping eye contact. He didn't think he'd be this nervous.

"I-I don't know. I- What do you recommend?" She gave him a mischievous smile and nodded toward a hallway on the other side of the room.

"I got the perfect thing for you sweetie." He was led to a private room in the back. He paid for a standard session, not know exactly what he was paying for. He was seated on a cushioned seat in the middle of the room. "Wait here for a bit. And relax, it'll be fun." She gave him a wink before leaving him alone.

Brendon looked around the room nervously. There wasn't much just the chair he was on and a couch along the wall. His face was still warm and he didn't know what to expect from one of these sessions.

The sound of the knob turning caused him to turn his head to the door. His heart was pounding in his chest. His throat was dry and his palms were sweating.

His breath caught in his throat when he saw a dancer moving into the room. Brendon couldn't look away from the gorgeous man slowly strutting up to him.

The fringe of his hair covered part of his face. His had dark eyeshadow on and three lines came down to his cheek on his right side. He was wearing a black corset edged with red trimming and a small bow. He had on matching stockings connected to lace panties with a garter belt. His stilettos made soft clicks with each step he took.

When he stood in front of Brendon, he untied a thin scarf that was around his neck, hooked it behind Brendon's and pulled him forward roughly. Brendon was already breathing heavy, feeling the man's breath against his own face. The man was smirking at him.

"Hey baby boy. Ready to have some fun?" Brendon's mouth opened slightly, practically panting. He shouldn't be here, but he needed to know. He needed to know why he could never look at a girl the way he was raised to.

Brendon found himself nodding eagerly, hands clenching onto the sides of his seat to resist grabbing the boy. The dancer chuckled as he watched Brendon's obvious struggle.

The dancer's coworker told him he was a first timer. He loved the virgins. He loved making them squirm without even touching them, making the curious boys and men question their sexuality. Feeling how their bodies betrayed their mind and got excited for another man.

He sank to his knees and placed his hands on Brendon's thighs. Brendon gasped at the touch, still trying to fight what he was feeling.

"What's your name, honey?" The dancer asked as he rubbed up and down Brendon's thighs, gently pushing them apart. Brendon's eyes shut tightly, trying to keep his composure.


"Brendon," the dancer repeated with a small smile.

"Wh- Ahh!" Brandon's body jerked forward when the dancer's hand moved over his growing hard on teasingly. "What's y-your ah name?" Brendon managed to breath out quickly as he locked eyes with the boy on his knees. The dancer tilted his head to the side, studying the boy trembling under his expert hands.

"I'm Ryan." Ryan was surprised he gave his actual name. He never did. He never felt the need to, not until he looked into the hesitant brown eyes staring down at him. He wanted the boy to trust him. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you."

Ryan slowly moved his hands up Brendon's body as he stood up and saddled his lap. He could already feel Brendon rock hard beneath him. The boy was obviously inexperienced, not just with males. With a smile, he gave his hips an experimenting rock. Brendon let out a forced moan he'd been struggling to keep in.

Ryan moved his hands over Brendon's chest and up into his hair. He gripped the boy's dark roots and tugged roughly as he swayed his hips against the other. Brendon let out another moan. His cheeks grew red from the noises he wasn't able to contain.

Ryan leaned down, his breath brushed against Brendon's check before he softly licked the shell of his ear. He felt Brendon push up against Ryan's growing erection.

"Tell me what you want baby boy." Brendon let out a stuttered breath. Ryan pulled back to see Brendon looking up at him with wide eyes. He shook his head quickly. There was no way he was going to voice the dirty thoughts running through his head. This was wrong. This was so, so-

Brendon let out another moan when Ryan began grinding harder against him. This shouldn't feel this good. He should be repulsed by everything Ryan stood for. He wanted to hate this and believe that he would be attracted to a girl some day.

He shouldn't be eyeing where Ryan's tongue slipped to lubricate his lips. He shouldn't be leaning up in hopes that he would connect his own lips with Ryan's now wet ones. He tried to stop his betraying body from loving the feel of another man on him, but he only got painfully harder the more Ryan seemed move to the music Brendon was apparently deaf to. He was on the verge of begging for more, to relieve himself.

Ryan leaned his forehead against the other's as he pried Brendon's hands from the chair and guided them to his own body. Brendon groaned when Ryan moved their hands over his corset, down to his hips and around to his ass. Ryan pulled his hands away, leaving Brendon's to cup him.

"Oh, fuck," Brendon breathed. His hands trembled slightly as he kept them as still as possible on the other's behind. When he didn't move, Ryan leaned against his ear.

"Come on baby. Don't be shy." Ryan leaned back to watch Brendon. The boy screwed his eyes shut as he squeezed the dancer's firm ass. A part of him hurt for loving this too much, but that might just be his erection. When Brendon heard Ryan release a pleasant hum, he pulled Ryan down as he buckled himself up.

Ryan would be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to this client. Brendon was probably the best looking man that he's served. It was hard for him not to get excited beyond job reasons when he felt how big the man was beneath him. Lucky for Ryan, he was able to suppress his noises better than the anxious boy beneath him, but not entirely. Brendon tipped his head back, letting his moans go more freely.

Ryan moved his hands back into Brendon's hair and tugged him forward. Brendon opened his eyes to see Ryan so close to his own face, he could feel the other's hot breath. Mouths so close, but not quite touching yet.

"This is wrong," Brendon finally voiced his thought. Ryan only smirked. "This is so." A small gasp stopped him. Even if Ryan wanted to move away, Brendon's hold would keep him firmly in place. "This is a sin. I shouldn't... ah, fuck."

Ryan cocked his head innocently to the side as his hand moved over Brendon clothed member. He had to stop himself from imagining how it looked uncovered. It was safe to say he was failing at that.

"Ryan." Brendon groaned, sending a longing shock through Ryan. Brendon leaned forward and pressed his face into Ryan's neck. "This is wrong."

Ryan bit his lip when he felt Brendon's plump lips kiss his smooth neck. He was only doing his job, he had to remind himself. When Brendon gave his ass another tight squeeze, it was easy for him to forget about work. He let out a strained moan when Brendon bucked up again.

With another buck against Ryan, Brendon felt a wave of relief flash through his body as he let out a deep groan. His was still holding the dancer tightly as he waited for his body to stop shaking. He kept his face against the other's neck, embarrassed at the mess he knew he made. He shuttered when Ryan's breath ghosted his ear and spoke lowly.

"There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for."

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