Emergency Room

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"Ow!" Brendon jerked his leg away from the nurse's hold.

"You have to stop moving, so I can examine your ankle." Brendon crossed his arms and threw his body back on the pillows. "I know it hurts but it'll be over before you know it."

"Still hurts," he grumbled. He looked up at nurse Sarah giving her attention to his injuried foot. She had an amused smile on her face, not caring about his complaining.

"It looks like there could be a fracture, but we'll have to get some x-rays done to be sure. In the mean time, we'll get ahold of your parents and let them know what's going on." Brendon bit his lip nervously, his mother was gonna be so mad when she finds out he snuck of to the skate park and got hurt.

Sarah walked away before he could try to convince her to just bandage his foot and let him go home. He let out a sigh and leaned his head back on the bed.

"You think it's broken?" Brendon looked over at the bed beside him. There sat a boy about his age. If Brendon wasn't worried about his mother coming, he would've started flirting this his cute bed neighbor."How'd you do it?"

"What?" Brendon asked confused. The stranger nodded to his aching ankle. "Oh um.. tried to grind some rails and was a total fail."

"That's rough." Brendon nodded in agreement.

"What are you here for?" The boy raised his arm to show off his bandages.

"Was trying to cook and burned myself pretty bad." Brendon winced, imagining the pain.

"What were you cooking?"

"Speghetti," the boy said as me motioned to some red stains on his shirt. "Was an epic fail."

"If you have a scar, that'll be a fun story to share," Brendon smiled. The boy nodded with his own smile.

"Definitely won't be explaining that scar story," he answered with a laugh. Brendon bit his bottom lip for a moment.

"My name's Brendon. Brendon Urie" He didn't know why his face heated up, but he liked the small laugh the boy gave in response.

"Ryan Ross."

"Hi," Brendon said with a shy smile.

"Hi." Holy crap that smile was gonna kill him.

"Where do you go to school?" Brendon wanted to keep talking to this boy.

"Bishop Gorman High School." That explains why Brendon hasn't seen this angel before. "What about you?"

"Paolo Verde." Ryan nodded.

"I heard the people are assholes there." Brendon laughed at the comment.

"Yeah. Total class A shitheads who feed on any weakness you show," Brendon said with an eyeroll.

"Sounds like the people in my school. If you're at any all different, you're a freak and need to get your ass kicked." Brendon frowned as he watched Ryan chuckle to himself.

"Are you a freak?" Brendon's eyes widened. Why did his say that? That's not what he meant. "I mean like do they think you're a freak. I'm not trying to call you a freak cause I wouldn't know. I don't know you. Not that I wouldn't like to know you because you seem pretty cool so of course I'd want to get to know you. It would be nice to have a friend who doesn't think I'm a freak. Not that I'm saying you're a freak if you talk to me, it's just,"

"Brendon, calm down," Ryan laughs. "I don't consider myself a freak and I don't think you're a freak." Brendon took a deep breath and nodded with a smile.

"Okay," he laughed nervously. It was silent for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence though more... curious. Brendon would watch people walking by, doctors, nurses, patients. It was distracting, everything happening around him.

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