The Monster Under The Bed

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!kid Ryan

!demon Brendon

Tw: abuse


Ryan jumped when he heard the front door slam shut. He was already starting to shake as he pulled the covers over his head. The sounds of heavy boots inched closer. His breath hitched when the doorknob turned.

As the door swung up, the stench of alcohol filled the room and Ryan tried hard not to move. The footsteps were slower until they stopped beside his bed. The blanket was pulled out of his weak grasp. Ryan let out a small yelp and scrambled up into a seating position.

His father stood hovering over him, fists clench and breathing labored. Ryan already felt tears in his eyes, but knew he couldn't let them fall in front of his father.

"Dad," he whisper softly. His voice was unsteady, but he wanted to try to stop what he knew was going to happen. Tonight's attempt went awful because by the looks of it, Ryan only made his father angrier at the sound of his voice.

Ryan whimpered when his dad gripped his hair and dragged out of bed. He immediately curled into a ball when he was thrown onto the floor. Pain spiked through his body as his dad's fists made contact with his body. He couldn't help the cries that left his mouth.

He knew why he was being punish. His father blamed him for everything. Ryan was the reason for his mother leaving, the reason for their financial situations, the reason his father couldn't keep a job. The six year old would stay up at night thinking how he could bring back his mother, earn them more money, and help his dad stay employed in hopes that his father would love him... but he couldn't.

When his father's foot made contact with his back, Ryan didn't stop the tears from falling. He stayed in a ball as the hits slowed and came to a stop. The sound of his father's heavy breathing echoed in his ears. He waited until the footsteps faded away and his door slammed shut.

He unfurled his body and carefully sat up. His body was already aching as he pulled himself to his bed. He pulled the covers over himself and wept into his pillow. He silently thanked whoever that his dad didn't hit his face so he didn't have to skip school tomorrow. He let his eyes flutter shut and waited for sleep to take over.

The sound of scratching on his bed post forced his sleep away. Ryan whimpered at the loss of peace. He turned his head to see a hand dragging their long claws across the wood.

He sat up and pulled his knees to his chest. A pair of horns poked up from the end of his bed. Ryan's weakly wrapped his arms around his legs and kept them against his body. He ignored the protest his body gave him as a figure rose up from over the edge.

The figure towered over him, spreading his wide wings and flashed a devilish smile. Ryan's eyes stayed on him analyzing his blue body.

"Who are you?" Ryan whimpered. The monster chuckled and leaned in until his face was inches away from Ryan.

"I'm your worse nightmare," the demon chuckled. Ryan sniffed as new tears flowed down. The demon's smile was quickly gone when he saw the boy crying. "No, no, no. Don't cry! I didn't mean to scare you. Well, I did but I didn't like it. I'm sorry. Please stop crying."

The demon grabbed Ryan's arms causing Ryan to flinch and pull away. He tilted his head in confusion. He barely touched the boy. It shouldn't have hurt him.

"My name's Brendon," the demon offered. Ryan buried his face in his knees. "What's yours?"

"Ryan," he whispered meekly.

"It's nice to meet you, Ryan." When Ryan looked up again, Brendon was normal sized and sitting on the edge of his end, watching him. He looked like any other person now apart from the horns and wings.

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