What's A Soulmate?

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"It's uh... Well, it's like a best friend, but more."

"Come on, Ryan! You can go faster than that," Brendon laughed as he watched his best friend climb up to the tree branch he was sitting on. After what felt like hours, Ryan pulled his lanky body up to sit beside Brendon. His breathing was labored and he has a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"You could've waited for me you know," Ryan panted. Brendon flashed him a wide smile and shook his head.

"I didn't wanna miss the sunset." They both turned their heads to the horizon. The sun was slowly dipping down, coloring the sky around them.

"It's so beautiful." Brendon looked over at his friend. The boy's eyes reflected the pinkish color from the sunset. The wind blew gently through his soft brown hair. He had on a content smile.

Brendon reached over and grabbed Ryan's hand. The boy tensed and looked over. Brendon didn't stop his staring. His eyes gazed over the smooth pale skin of his friend's face. The thin pink lips that he wanted to feel against his own. Ryan was Brendon's definition of perfection.

The older friend pulled back his lip, revealing a straight line of white teeth. His Adam's apple bounced as he gave a small chuckle. His long skinny fingers intertwined with Brendon's.

"You're my best friend, Bren," Ryan spoke softly. The sunset casted a dark orange over this soft features. They both found themselves leaning closer. With lips hovering over one another, Brendon whispered a quiet reply.

"And you're mine." Their eyes shut with a kiss. It was slow and awkward, their mouths unsure out to move against each other. They couldn't help giggling into the kiss though.

The sun vanished into the night, marking the end of the day and the beginning of something new.

"It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else."

"I'm back," Ryan shouted from the front door. Brendon jumped up and ran to the front door. His roommate was standing with a bag of takeout in on hand and a cup holder with two drinks in the other. He had to quickly move his arms out of the way before Brendon could squish the food into his hug.

"You're back," the younger hummed. He tightened his arms around Ryan's body and nuzzled his face into his chest. Ryan let out a grunt of discomfort, but Brendon let up.

"Yeah, I'm back and hungry, so I'd appreciate it if you released me," Ryan said with a breathy laugh. With a small pout, Brendon obliged. He took a step back and dropped his eyes to the floor.

Ryan placed a quick kiss on Brendon's lips before moving to the couch. The kiss was enough to motivate the younger roommate to follow his boyfriend to the couch.

"Alright, so I made sure to get your burger with everything on." Ryan began pulling items from the bag. "Your side order of nuggets with extra sauce. A couple cookies, your apple pie, and large order of fries, no salt."

Brendon plopped down on the couch, leaving no space between him and his boyfriend. He looked out at his food on the table and let out a giddy laugh.

"Did you get my -"

"Large chocolate milkshake drizzled with extra chocolate syrup, some caramel, which they still give me weird looks about, extra whipped cream and no cherry." Ryan took a deep breath and smiled over at Brendon. "Yes."

"And did you -"

"Two straws, yes."

"No the -"

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