I Know Everything About You

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Age 14

Brendon and Ryan were in front of the TV occassionally shoving each other as a distraction. Their fingers moved rapidly over the control buttons and their video game avatars obeyed their commands.

Ryan's tongue was sticking slightly out in concentration. Brendon had on an easy smile, almost putting no effort into the game. Ryan gave Brendon a shoulder shove and prepared his character for an attack.

Before his character could move, Brendon moved quickly and striked Ryan's player, killing him. He dropped the controller and threw his arms up in victory. Ryan stared at the screen with a dropped jaw and wide eyes.

"Wh- How did y- But... What the hell?" Ryan's voice was high from shock as he looked over at a grinning Brendon.

"Like I didn't know you were gonna do a triple roundhouse kick with the reverse turning kick," he said with a laugh. Ryan crossed his arms and pouted.

"How could you know that?" Brendon shoved him lightly.

"Please. I know everything about you." Ryan watched Brendon stand up and move over to his game shelf. He still had on his perfect smile. His fingers combed through his perfect raven hair.

"Do you wanna play Call of Duty next?" Brendon asked over his shoulder in his perfect voice. Ryan sighed and let his eyes rest on his best friend.

Oh Brendon, you don't know everything.


Age 15

Brendon and Ryan were lounging at Brendon's place watching some random movie. Brendon was laying across the couch with his head on Ryan's lap. The older boy's fingers were slowly brushing through Brendon's hair.

It was a common position for the two, but it still gave Ryan butterflies. Every so often, he'd look down and just watch Brendon's soft features react to the movie. At some point, Brendon pulled away, to Ryan's disappointment, and sat up.

"You're hungry," Brendon stated. Ryan tilted his head in confusion.

"No I'm not." Brendon got up from the couch.

"Yeah you are. Let's go eat." Ryan went to object again until his stomach gave an evident growl. Brendon beamed proudly at him while Ryan blushed.

"Told ya." Brendon grabbed Ryan's hand, pulling him off the couch. "You want pizza." Ryan let himself get pulled by his best friend, grumbling that Brendon knew him to well for his own good.

With Brendon's newly earned license and traditional crappy first car, they drove to a local pizza place. Brendon ordered for the two as Ryan found them a table. When Brendon come with the pizza, he dug right in.

"Why didn't you get wings?" Ryan pouted as he grabbed a slice.

"You wouldn't finish them and I wasn't in the mood for them," Brendon said with a shrug. Ryan frowned.

"I could finish them!" Brendon chuckled as he took a bite out of his slice. "You don't believe me?" Brendon sighed and put his pizza down.

"Here's how it'd go down: you'll have your normal two slices of pizza, eat one wing before, between, then after those pieces and because your stomach is smaller than a mouse, you'll get a stomach ache and potentially throw up," Brendon finished as he picked up his pizza and took another bite.

Ryan opened his mouth to argue, but Brendon just tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow silently saying 'are you really gonna tell me I'm wrong?'

Ryan slouched and pouted. They ate the pizza with the only talking being Brendon's random comments about something going on around the restaurant.

Ryan eyed the last slice, wanting to eat it to prove that he didn't have a small stomach. Before he even had a chance to reach for it, Brendon chuckled.

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