Just 2 Weeks

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Now, Ryan wasn't the most romantic guy ever. He hated PDA. He wasn't a big cuddler. He thought Valentine's Day was stupid. He hate the stupid cliques. Didn't like grand proposals videos. He thought buying flowers was a waste of money. He didn't like saying I love you. He..

Okay so he wasn't romantic at all really.

Ryan was a one night stand kind of guy. No strings, no emotion, no commitment.

Brendon was the complete opposite. He wanted the flowers, moonlight kisses, cute text messages. He wanted it all. Ryan knew what he wanted and it definitely wasn't romance.

Things changed the night Ryan met the brown eyed man. He was drawn to Brendon in a way he never felt before. He spent the whole night chasing after the man who was playing so hard to get.

That night turned into a date then two then many. The dates turned into a kiss then makeout sessions. The sessions slowly progressed into sex. When Ryan finally got what he was after all those nights before, he was too invested to want to let Brendon go.

Two years later, Ryan wasn't as stubborn with romance as before. He still struggled to deal with the handholding and small kisses in public. He spooned the younger while they slept at night. He always accepted the little gifts Brendon got him.

Brendon didn't force the affection, knowing Ryan wasn't completely comfortable with it. He was grateful for those rare moments when he came home to a small bouquet of flowers. It was the little things Ryan did to show his love that Brendon cared about.

Even being complete opposites, they were happy together. They didn't like being apart from each other for too long. So when Brendon needed to go on a business trip for two weeks, Ryan was upset.

"You can't just ignore me," Brendon whined. Ryan didn't say anything as he continued cooking dinner. Brendon sighed and went behind him to wrap his arms around his boyfriend.

Ryan's movements stilled when he felt a soft kiss in the middle of his back. Brendon nuzzled his cheek between the other's shoulder blades. His arms stayed tight around his boyfriend.

"Tell them to get someone else," Ryan spoke up.

"My flight's tomorrow."

"Tell them you're sick." Brendon grinned.

"I can't do that."

"Quit," his voice stayed low and emotionless. Brendon gave a small chuckle.

"Babe." Ryan put down the knife he was holding. He braced his hands on the counter, dropped his head and sighed. "It'll be okay. It's just two weeks." Ryan shut his eyes and frowned.

He had gotten so used to having another body in his arms in bed. He didn't want to go through two whole weeks without that comfort. He didn't want Brendon to leave.

That night, Ryan showed how much he loved and cared for his boyfriend. He worshipped every inch of his flawless body. He moved slow and deeply in him, bringing the man to paradise again and again. He held him securely in his arms, not wishing to ever let go.

They communicated solely through physical contact, leaving nothing untouched or unsaid. They fell into a peaceful sleep until Brendon's alarm woke them the next morning. They made silent promises sealed with kisses.

The drive to the airport was silent. Ryan kept his hand locked with Brendon's the whole way. Brendon sensed his hesitance for the affection when he was getting checked in. He unclasped their hands, but kept close enough to brush up against each other often.

Ryan was trying to hide his smile and he glanced over at Brendon. He mouthed a small 'thank you'. Soon, the couple were sitting by the gate waiting for Brendon to board.

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