Hate Him

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"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Brendon stormed across the room to his home bar. He quickly poured himself a glass of whiskey and downed the brown liquid in one shot. His manager, Adam, watched with concern from the other side of the room.

"B, it's not that bad. Don't be so dramatic." Brendon shot him a glare and slammed the glass on the counter. Adam was surprised it didn't break.

"I told you already how much I hate that man. The last thing I want to do is a photoshoot with him. I don't even like sharing the spotlight. What makes you think I wanna do a shoot with him? He isn't even a model!"

"You know what Brendon. I'm getting sick and tired of your shit." His voice was harsh causing Brendon's eyes to go wide. Looking at Adam, he noticed how tense he was. It's not like this was the first time his manager got mad at him like this. It was a persona saved for those special times Brendon was being a class A drama queen.

"I've been your manager for years and I'm done with all your bitching. You're doing this shoot whether you like it or not. He is top of the charts right now and you're one of the best models in the business so it'll be amazing publicity for the both of you. The shoot is this afternoon so you're gonna be there on time and sober. No fucking excuses or complaining. Understand?"

Brendon stayed wide eyed and nodded. He never dared disagree when the man was like this. Adam took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.

"Good," he said in a calmer voice as he walked up to the bar. He poured himself a glass and took a small drink. With another breath, it seemed like his anger was non existent. He was just annoyed with Brendon, but he was always annoyed with Brendon.

"I don't understand why you hate him so much. He's literally the sweetest person in this whole world. How he made it this far without someone taking advantage of that I have no idea." Brendon rolled his eyes at the comment.

"It's all an act," he huffed. His manager gave him a side look. "Can't you see that? No one is that nice. It's not possible. I bet he's a total asshole when he doesn't have a camera on him."

"You really think that?"

"No doubt."

"Hmm. When I talked to him he gave no sign of being an ass." Brendon looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You talked to him?" Adam nodded as he took another drink. "Why?" The man let out a sigh.

"He gave me a call saying his manager believed it would be good for you two to work together."

"He called you asking to do a shoot with me?"

"Actually he asked if you would like to be in one of his music videos, but with pointless hatred with him I thought a photoshoot would be easier to get you to. He agreed."

"I can't believe you talked to him without telling me," Brendon scoffed. Adam chuckled.

"I talk to many people without telling you."

"But it's Ryan fucking Ross. I deserve to know if my manager talks to him."

"Would it matter? You don't like him as you've previously pointed out. What would make the difference if I didn't tell you?"

"I just.. You should've tell me." Brendon looked down at his cup, running his finger around the rim. Adam grinned and took in Brendon's change in demeaner.

"What's up?" Brendon looked up surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"Something's up. What is it?" Brendon shook his head and looked back down.

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