Boy On The Bridge

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There was a boy that sat on the stone bridge ledge with a book in his lap. He spent a lot of his time sitting in that spot, lost in whatever story he decided to bring to the park that day.

Brendon knew this because he just so happened to also spend most of his time in the park also. He watched the mysterious boy coming oblivious to the outside world. The boy pulled his legs into a crossed position and brushed a strand of hair away from his eyes.

Brendon's eyes turned away from the boy when a football hit the side of his head. He stumbled back and rubbed his now red cheek. He turned to the sound of his friend, Spencer, laughing. Brendon grabbed the football and threw it at him with all his strength, which wasn't much.

When Spencer caught the ball effortlessly, Brendon huffed and rolled his eyes. He chuckled and made his way to Brendon. He took a glance over the boy on the bridge before looking down at Brendon.

"Why don't you just talk to him already?" Brendon's eyes widened and shook his head quickly.

"I can't do that."

"Why not?" Spencer shrugged as if it were no big deal. "You've brought me to the park to stare at you mystery boy for weeks. Why not talk to him?" Brendon looked over at the clueless boy. He was hiding a small smile behind his sleeve covered hand. Brendon wondered what he was reading. Spencer shoved him to regain his attention.

"If you don't talk to him, I will." He smiled when Brendon's jaw dropped.

"Please don't," Brendon let out softly. Spencer moved toward the bridge, walking slowly and mockingly. "Spence," Brendon said with a warning tone. Spencer only smirked and began sprinting to the bridge. He slowed when he got near the ledge where the boy was.

Before Spencer could even talk to the boy, Brendon chucked the football at him out of desperation. As Brendon's luck would have it, Spencer peaked over his shoulder just in time to see the ball and move out of the way.

Brendon's jaw dropped as he watched the ball collide with his dream boy. The boy jumped in surprise causing the ball and his book to fall into the river over the edge.

"No," the boy let out desperately. He climbed off the ledge, still looking over for his book.

"Ah man. My ball." Brendon sent a glare at Spencer who was also looking over the ledge to see the football floating with the gentle current.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you," Brendon began spilling out apologize. "I was just trying to stop my friend from," he blushed and shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I'm just really sorry." With a sigh, the boy turned away from the water.

"It's fi-." He stopped when his eyes caught Brendon's. The boy's cheeks turned a light pink before he dropped his gaze down to the floor. "It's o-okay. Don't worry a-about it." Brendon looked to the water then back at his mystery boy.

"I can replace it." The boy shook his head and looked back up.

"It's not a big deal," he mumbled. Brendon let himself slowly get lost in the hazel colored eyes. He could never see the color because he only ever admired the boy from a distance. He was even more gorgeous up close.

"Please," Brendon pressed. "I insist." The boy chewed his lip in thought, debating until Brendon spoke again. "Please." With a sigh, the boy nodded.

"Okay." Brendon smiled and moved to embrace him. Seeing Brendon's intentions, the boy's face turned bright red. Brendon stopped and scratched the back of his head nervously.

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