They Forgot

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Brendon woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing beside his head. Normally, he would groan at the interruption, but today was different.

Today was special.

He unlocked his phone with a wide grin on his face. He bit his lip as he let out an excited giggle. The date waved at him from the top corner. A notification popped down from the top of his screen. His calendar flashed a 'Happy Birthday' message before disappear.

He moved over to his messages and his smile faultered. He had no new messages. He clicked over to snapchat to see nothing but standard good morning streaks.

He stared at the screen in disappointment. It's not like he was expecting a flood of messages, but maybe a couple from his friends or maybe even his boyfriend. He shrugged it off, not wanting to moment to ruin his mood.

He was finally sixteen and today was gonna be epic.

He threw on a tight black shirt and his tightest skinny jeans. He slipped on his converse and styled his hair into the normal hanging fringe and the back spiked up a little.

He almost tripped going down the stairs, but managed to catch himself on the railing. He hurried to the kitchen to see his mother running around.

"Morning," Brendon sang. His mother didn't stop and mumbled a 'morning' back. Brendon looked around and frowned when he didn't notice anyone else. "Where is everyone?"

"Your father left already. Matt met up with some friends for breakfast. Mason had an early practice.Kara slept over at a friend's and Kyla needed to see one of her teachers before school," his mother rushed out, not even looking at him.

"So it's just you and me?" He watch his mother shrug on her jacket and gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry sweetie I got a call. They need me at the office so I won't be able to give you a ride." Brendon's shoulders slumped. "Maybe try calling Ryan and see if he'll give you a ride, but I gotta go." He got a kiss on the cheek and she hurried passed him.

"That's it?" Brendon questioned. "You don't have anything you might idk.. want to say to me?" His mother paused, standing at the open door. She looked him over before smiling.

"You look great. Oh and don't forget to eat. I bought fruit loops yesterday." With that, she was gone. Brendon stared at the closed door.

"She forgot," he whispered to himself. He felt his spirit begin to crush before he shook his head. He understood.. in a way. She was a busy woman with five kids. It's easy to forget sometimes.

He pulled out his phone, texting Ryan asking for a ride. His frown deepened when he got the reply.

Sorry babe, not going to school today. Helping my mom today remember? I won't be back till late.

Brendon sniffed softly. Did his own boyfriend forget? Surely he couldn't have. It's not like Brendon hadn't been talking about today for the past month.

His excitement only lessened when he heard the beginning of rain hitting the windows. He let out a sigh. The day just started but at least it couldn't possibly get any worse.


It got worse.

Brendon stared at the clock as he sat in his last period class. Every class felt like a neverending session of hell. The classes he had were friends had so much work, they couldn't talk. The classes without his friends gave out enough homework to last till his next birthday. Don't even get him started with gym. His lungs still ached when he inhaled after running so much. He didn't even get to have lunch with his friends because he got a detention for dozing off in class.

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