Nursing Home

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Brendon knocked on the door softly before walking in. He saw his grandpa propped up on the bed with his arm extended, pointing a control at the tv.

"Hey, grandpa," he said cheerily. His grandpa turned to him with the wide smile Brendon inherited.

"B, you came!" Brendon chuckled softly and moved to the side of the bed. His grandpa was already leaning toward him and pulled Brendon into a hug.

"Of course I came. Finally got a day off so of course I'd come visit." He pulled a chair up beside the bed and got comfortable in it. "How are you doing? Are they treating you good?"

His grandpa could see the worry lines on the young man's forehead. He was always stress with work, bill, and of course his grandfather.

"I love it here." He smiled to ease his grandson's worrying.

"You're not lying are you? Cause if this is like the last place, we'll find a new one or you'll just have to come home with me." The older man shook his head. With his age and health, he'd give his boy a heart attack from all the added stress.

"I'm serious, B. The staff is fantastic. I got a nurse who takes great care of me. I haven't been this happy since your grandma passed away." Brendon placed his hand over the other man's.

"I'm happy to hear that, grandpa." He rubbed his thumb over the back of the aged hand. His grandpa's free hand came up and cupped the youngster's cheek.

"You grew up so fast. Thought I had more time with you before I needed to be taken care of myself." Brendon chuckled softly.

He admired his grandfather with a passion, idolized him like no other. When his parents passed away in a car crash, his grandparents took him in and raised him. When his grandma died several years back, Brendon knew it was only a matter of time before he lost the last bit of family he had left.

Now, here he was in a nursing home because the old man's health problems were getting too complicated for Brendon to deal with alone. After a few homes that put the man through hell, Brendon finally found a place where the man was happy. It was a little pricier than some other places, but at least his grandad was in good hands.

"Alright, Richard it's time to go - oh, hello." Brendon snapped his head to the door to see a man in nurse scrubs. He looked around his age, a little taller and had wavy brown hair.

"Hi," Brendon replied. He was still taking in the man in front of him to process any other thoughts. He was cute, he couldn't deny that.

"B, this is Ryan, my nurse. Ryan, this is my grandson Brendon," his grandfather introduced. When the old man mentioned the nurse, Brendon just assumed that.. he shouldn't have but... he just didn't think... not that he was complaining that a hot hopefully single male nurse his own age would be here watching over the man who raised him.

"Hi, Brendon. It's nice to finally meet you. Richard's told me so much about you." Ryan walked over and extended his hand out for Brendon to take.

The boy clumsily got to his feet when Ryan approached him. The chair hit the side table and he managed to his his knee on the bed frame. He took the man's hand and gave it a shake. His hand was soft and gone from his reach too quickly Brendon noted

"Uh, hi," Brendon repeated. What else could he say? Brendon hadn't been able to stop by since they moved his grandad here over a week ago. He didn't know about the hot nurse. There was nothing he could say. "Thanks for uh, watching over my grandpa. He really likes it here."

Ryan gave him a friendly smile with a small chuckle and holy shit! Brendon could just melt from the sight. It's not like Brendon hadn't encountered attractive boys before. He has plenty of times, but Ryan was on a whole new level Brendon desperately wanted to unlock.

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