French Fries

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Brendon practically threw himself on top of Ryan when he hurried into the seat beside him. The unexpected boy almost fell off the other side of his chair.

"Ryan!" Brendon leaned into his side with a wide smile as he looked up at his best friend. Ryan gave a small chuckle.

"Hello to you too." Brendon didn't expect to run into Ryan at the arcade, but he was beyond happy nonetheless.

"You didn't tell me you were coming," Brendon pouted. Ryan only shrugged.

"I didn't think I was. Also didn't want to get in the way of your date. How is it going by the way?"

"Really great actually. She had to go home. Her mom was calling her." Ryan nodded in reply. "What are you doing here?"

"They have the best fries here." Brendon eyes lit up. He loved fries. As if on cue, a waitress came by and placed a basket of fries in front of Ryan.

"There you go hot stuff." Brendon looked at the girl. She was pretty and around their age. She has nice long blonde hair, little curvy, big tits.

"Thank you," Ryan flashed her a shy smile.

"Anything else I can get for you?" Ryan shook his head.

"I don't think so." Brendon stayed silent and watched the interaction. He could see that the girl was lingering at the table longer than needed. He didn't like the eye she was eyeing Ryan like he was a piece of meat.

"If you change your mind just call me over and I ca-"

"He's gay," Brendon said bluntly. Ryan snapped his head to him and his face grew bright red.

"Brendon." By the harshness in his voice, Brendon knew he had some apologizing to do.

"I'm sorry I.. if you need anything just wave me over." As the girl hurried off, the boys turned to watch her. Brendon frowned at her. Slut.

"That was rude." Ryan turned back to him with his own frown. "Why did you do that?" Brendon felt himself shrink. He didn't like his friend being upset with him. "I'm not gay."

"You told me you were," Brendon defended.

"No, I told you I was bi. You scared her off and she was really cute." Brendon kept his gaze low.

"She wasn't your type."

"What? How would you even know what my type is." Brendon scoffed.

"We've been friends for twelve years. I think I know who you tend to check out more often. And fyi you stare at guys most of the time." Ryan frowned and pick up a fry.

"Your point?"

"My point is you wouldn't have any relationship with her. She would be just a one night stand." Ryan tore the ends of the fry off and threw them back in the basket.

"And that would be a bad thing?" He ate the fry and grabbed another one.

"You shouldn't be doing just one night stands. You need to find someone and like have a normal relationship with someone."

"But I haven't gotten laid in weeks and I don't want to be in a relationship. Not after what happened with Chase." The pile of fry ends slowly grew as the conversation went on.

"Well Chase was a fucking asshole who deserves his dick to be chewed off my rats," Brendon said with a little aggression in his voice. Ryan grimaced and had a small smile on his face.

"Calm down there. Safe to say you didn't like him." He chuckled softly at his friend.

"I would murder the bastard if you didn't stop me. He treated you like crap. I don't know why you stayed with him so long." Ryan shrugged and had an amused smile on his face.

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