Hate Him Part 2

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Adam threw a magazine on top of the table in front of Brendon. The model groaned and buried his face in his hands. He could feel his manager's stare burning into his head.

"Why don't you call him?" Brendon shook his head. "It's been two weeks, B." Brendon sighed and looked up. He didn't bother looking down at the magazine. He knew his face was featured next to another person on the cover.

"You should read what they wrote. They interviewed Ryan too." Brendon kept his eyes up. He didn't want to know what the man said about him. He knew it was something sweet and understanding because the bastard was a fucking saint like everyone said.

"You owe him an explanation." Brendon frowned and shook his head. He pressed his palms against his closed eyes.

"Adam," he groaned.

"I know, B." He let out a sigh. "I made sure your next shoot isn't until next week. That gives you time to work up your nerve to talk to him."

"I can't do that." Adam moved from his seat and rubbed a comforting hand over his back.

"Listen B, I understand you're scared of the full spectrum of human emotion," he cut off when Brendon smacked his shoulder. "It'll be good for you to get close to someone again."


"He also called me and was wondering if he could have his hoodie back. It's apparently his favorite one." Brendon sighed. He had drove off still wearing the man's hoodie. It was currently thrown over the back of the couch.

He looked up at Adam. His eyes were wide and vulnerable. Adam was the one who sighed this time.

"It'll be good for you."

"I-I guess I could try and at least give him back his hoodie." A smile spread over Adam's face.

"Good cause he's meeting you at the diner downtown in an hour." Brendon's eyes went wide.

"What the hell Adam. You already scheduled me to meet with him?"

"I knew you'd do it after some persuasion and didn't want to give you time to back out." Brendon huffed annoyed but knew Adam was do this for his own good.

He looked down at the magazine which was some music magazine he saw Ryan on a couple weeks prior. There was a picture of him and Ryan on a man made ledge with the guitar in front of them. It was when Brendon had lost focus during the shoot. He had a smile that he knew wasn't faked in the moment.

His eyes went to Ryan who was staring at him. A smile was on his lips as he had all his attention on the smaller man. Brendon could almost feel the little bubble the two had unintentionally created in the moment.

The caption caught his attention next. "Who's the real inspiration?" Brendon flipped the magazine open to the interview that Ryan had with the reporter.

It had the basic information Brendon had read from previous magazines. He skimmed through the standard questions until he saw the mentioning of Ryan's new single.

"I wasn't really thinking much about a specific someone when I wrote it. I don't even have someone to write about. I guess the inspiration is what I'd want in a relationship." Hear that ladies (and gents)! Ryan Ross is single with the secrets to his heart in his new song, Worst At Love.

But how long will the new rockstar keep this status? With the release of singer's photos with supermodel, Brendon Urie, fans speculate a romance brewing between the two. When asked about their relationship, Ross claims the two had never met before the day of the photoshoot. With a schoolboy blush covering his face, was the star caught in a lie or was a fresh romance caught by a few clicks of a camera?

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