Loaded Gun

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Ryan kept the gun steady in his hands. His breath came out in even intervals. His eyes stayed locked on his target. He could shoot at any moment if need be.

"Just put the gun down, Nick." The man across the room chuckled and shook his head.

"I don't think so." Ryan watched as Nick tightened his arm around his boyfriend's neck. Brendon was staring back at Ryan with tear stains on his cheeks. His hands were up gripping his captive's arm. He shut his eyes when a gun was pressed to the side of his head. "You think you can just fuck me over and get away with it?"

"I didn't do shit and you know it." Ryan focused on keeping himself calm and level headed. His eyes switched between Nick and Brendon. He saw Brendon's Adam's apple bob as he tried to swallow his fear.

He couldn't imagine what was going through Brendon's head. If he'd've just told his boyfriend about the people he was involved with, they might have been able to avoid this situation. Now the love of his life had a gun to his head because of his past mistakes.

"I want my money," Nick sneered. With one arm keeping the gun up, Ryan used his other arm to drop the bag that hung off his shoulder. He kicked it forward so it slid a few feet in front of him.

"It's all yours. " Nick grinned at the bag and looked back at Ryan. "Now, let him go."

"I don't think so. I think I wanna keep him for a little. He must be something special if you're willing to risk your life." Nick turned the gun to Ryan and nuzzled the side of Brendon's head.

"What so special about you that makes my top seller quit on me?" Nick addressed Brendon. Nick smiled when he noticed Ryan's anger. "You got a pretty mouth. I'd love to see my dick between those lips. You look like you could take it really deep."

Brendon turned away as Nick kissed his cheek. Ryan grip tightened around his gun as he watched Nick's movements. Brendon grimaced as fresh tears rolled down his face.

"I bet you like it fast and hard up your sweet tight ass." Brendon let out a whimper as Nick rolled his hips over Brendon's behind. Ryan cocked his gun when he heard the pained noise.

"Ah, ah, ah." Nick moved the gun back to Brendon's temple and hovered his finger over the trigger. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Unless you wanna see your whore sprawled out dead on the floor, I suggest you put the gun down."

"Brendon baby," Ryan spoke just loud enough. Brendon opened his eyes. His bottom lip was trembling and his eyes were wet. "I love you," he whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"I love you too," Brendon replied in a hoarse voice. Nick jerked him earning a small yelp from Brendon.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Nick, please. This doesn't involve him. This is between you and me. Let him go."

"You're the one who brought him into this. Now, put the gun down before I blow his fucking brains out."

"Okay, okay." Ryan held one hand up and slowly dropped his gun to the floor. He kept both hands up as a sign of surrender.

"Kick it away." Ryan obeyed. He heard it skid away, but kept his eyes forward. "Keep your hands up and get down on your knees." Ryan turned his eyes to Brendon as he sunk down to the floor.

Nick threw Brendon to the side, but kept the gun trained on him. With Brendon still in harm's way, Ryan wouldn't try anything. Nick moved forward and grabbed the bag Ryan dropped. A smile spread across his lips when he revealed the money hidden behind the zipper.

He walked over until he was in front of Ryan. He shook his head in disappointment. The hand holding the gun collided with Ryan's face. When Ryan recovered from the hit, he glared silently up at Nick with blood trickling out from the gash now on his cheek.

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